Black Couple denied marriage at white church


Well-Known Member
To be honest,
this thread title to me reads "VEGANS DENIED VEGGIE-BIG MAC AT CARLS JUNIOR"

YES> no fucking sense


Ursus marijanus
but if a black responds back to that... which is all a ployto either get the thread closed , or to bring out all the blacks, or the black sympathizers,,, then that is black racism …… point made … black racist only exist do to therebeing white racist ….. this was the point all along … there is only a blackpanther party .. because there is a kkk/skin nation…..
You saw the shiny bit in the tasty wiggly thing. Good for you. cn

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
In all seriousness
I hate all racism
it exists
But no one should tolerate it
Go look thru the threads
I am called the biggest racist on the board
Please feel free to point out anything I have said or done that is racist
I dont create the racism here
I just point it out

its not that you are racist..
it that your are racially insensitive… more or less

you might have black friends and you might even not mind fucking black pussy..but you will no doubt say some things , some times that is perceived asinsensitive.. you might be more of a proud ass hole then a racist .. I agreewith you 95% of blacks and white with throw around the race card with out understanding that most peoplelikely don’t know whats not funny to others …



Well-Known Member
its not that you are racist..
it that your are racially insensitive… more or less

you might have black friends and you might even not mind fucking black pussy..but you will no doubt say some things , some times that is perceived asinsensitive.. you might be more of a proud ass hole then a racist .. I agreewith you 95% of blacks and white with throw around the race card with out understanding that most peoplelikely don’t know whats not funny to others …
Then you didnt read thru my threads
I point out racism when I see it
The people who post the racist shit get all upset and call me a racist for pointing out their remarks

And no before I got married
I didnt care what color skin surrounded the pink pussy
Now I can only think about it


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
what is the sad part? Marriage is NOT ONLY RETARDED, but its part of RELIGION.

CHURCHES, by our law, have the right to practice what they want

WHATS the next headline with u fucking jesus looneys, "AGNOSTIC CHURCH REFUSES TO MARRY COUPLE" lol;

this couple is DOOMED TO FAIL cuz they are both fuckin morons.
I love my wife
We got married becuase their were advantages to it
and that is what she wanted

BTW I am a devout atheist

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Then you didnt read thru my threads
I point out racism when I see it
The people who post the racist shit get all upset and call me a racist for pointing out their remarks

And no before I got married
I didnt care what color skin surrounded the pink pussy
Now I can only think about it
*the only bad pussy is stank pussy
*the only bad weed is no weed
*and there no such thing as to much money

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
I love my wife
We got married becuase their were advantages to it
and that is what she wanted

BTW I am a devout atheist
same here
only not a devout atheist
if you can prove god is there then i will get on board...
other then that its just a creation by slave owner to give false hope to slave. so that they can keep them in line .. and some how along the way of history they started beliveing there own lies .....


Well-Known Member
same here
only not a devout atheist
if you can prove god is there then i will get on board...
other then that its just a creation by slave owner to give false hope to slave. so that they can keep them in line .. and some how along the way of history they started beliveing there own lies .....
Well it certainly was a way of explaining the world around us when we didnt know any better

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Well it certainly was a way of explaining the world around us when we didnt know any better
agreed... back then there was no CSI... so you had to mind fuck people to live by the law... so the "WORD" became the law ......and the world was safe for our daughters


Well-Known Member
agreed... back then there was no CSI... so you had to mind fuck people to live by the law... so the "WORD" became the law ......and the world was safe for our daughters
The Levites had it pretty good
They even defined the kind of food er I mean sacrifices that were acceptable to them er I mean god

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
BTW I am a devout atheist
i hope that i am wrong..... life fills to great for this to be it .... i hope there is a life after deaf..
heaven or hell..... as long as i continue with self awhereness...... ...... imma big fan of DBZ hope its like that when i die

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
The Levites had it pretty good
They even defined the kind of food er I mean sacrifices that were acceptable to them er I mean god
naw... fuck that. time travel shit.. NOW!! is the best times to live in ........ and in the usa.. or any where that has great indoor plumbing and clean, CLEAR water... look we talking from all over the world... mind blown


Well-Known Member
i hope that i am wrong..... life fills to great for this to be it .... i hope there is a life after deaf..
heaven or hell..... as long as i continue with self awhereness...... ...... imma big fan of DBZ hope its like that when i die
I want you to imagine you dont exist
Really imagine that you do not exist at all
It is impossible

That is what happens after you die


Well-Known Member
If you waste the ONE LIFE, ONE MOMENT you have arguing about shit you cannot even begin to understand on the internet.....thats a fail

who wishes they could spend 5 seconds talking to a loved one that passed away? WHy do internet trolls think time is to be wasted. SERIOUS QUESTION.


Well-Known Member
yes........why does it change something for you

notice how on these types of threads.. no one has everyasked if someone was white... notice

ive almost been made a mod on some other site untell the guyfound out i was black.... you should see how people change how the reacted toyou when they found out your black...
yes im a black guy with a white name... so i know first handhow after your application has been accepted how now the situation is differentin person.... also by the way i talk ive had white's shocked to find out thatmy wife is black... really...... of course i sound this way and talk this wayand act this way in public.. I'M AFUCKEN EDUCATED MAN
Uh oh. You're black. We can't be bros anymore. ;)