Pipes Vs Bongs!!

I have always been a bong guy and I plan on filtering my smoke through water until the day I die! I have had a variety of bongs from Bubblers to Hookahs & I just recently bought a gasmask and am loving it!I own several pipes, almost all glass, and I see the value in them when Im sneaking a toke in my car.But overall I would prefer a nice chilled glass bong any day of the week!Obviously people are going to rant about vaporizing and talk about how joints are the shit, your not wrong, but lets just compare Pipes Vs Bongs.What are your preferences?Glass?Metal?Plastic? Bamboo?:leaf:


I prefer pipes. They're simple. And for me that's perfect. Bongs are great when I'm socially smoking, but I do more night time end of the day, smoke, munch, movie, nighty-night withthe hubby. So I like bowls. And there's no bong water.


Well-Known Member
I prefer a joint or blunt. I like to walk around and smoke while im doing things or have a conversation like a cigarette, thats not possible with pipes or bongs. I do smoke a mini bong bowl everynight before I go to bed and every morning when I wake up (night insomnia and morning migraines)


Well-Known Member
bongs for sure, but i love smokin a vape. gets me the highest smoke wise. joints if i wanna move around an do shit outside.


Well-Known Member
I love my pipe but a great bong is always good to hit... I think I rip through my weed way too fast in a bong though and I think I get just as high if I just smoked out of my pipe... stay high


Active Member
that killed my eyes to read and I am high as balls dont choose YELLOW again hahah! Glass all the way recently invested in a dirty rico absolutely love it!


Well-Known Member
I go with the glass bowl myself. Not that I don't like bongs, but they take up to much room and will stink your crib up if you knock over some dirty ass bong water. I hate that smell. Lol!


Well-Known Member
I go with the glass bowl myself. Not that I don't like bongs, but they take up to much room and will stink your crib up if you knock over some dirty ass bong water. I hate that smell. Lol!
LOL! that brings a good point to the table.


Well-Known Member
idk i really like the high from my bongs. love blunts as well though. not a fan of joints and bowls....too harsh for me.

oh heres 1 no ones said yet! what i smoke out of most these days anyway is my BUBBLER!


Active Member
I love smoking out of my double bubbler bong when I am home alone. Killer hits out of it and I usually change out the water on a daily basis so it stays fairly clean. I just have to watch where I leave it because I have 2 large dogs with tails that will knock over a 20lb 3ft tall tower heater! I also have about 15 other glass pipes that makes their way in and out of rotation around the house. Some people collect shot glasses or spoons when they travel... I collect smoking devices! Cheap throwaway glass pipe in the car usually.