The UK Growers Thread!

Where is UKRG....trying to download football manager 2012 torrent on this fucking notebook. Help

I've had that for about 2 weeks Billy,PM or txt me an address and I'll burn it onto disk and bang it in the post mate. It'll no doubt get to you quicker than the torrent! ;)

Was the pip nearly black? If so it's about 99% if it wasnt its fairly high ;)

If it smells of lemon it'll probably not be purple.

Ahh! I must rephrase what I'm referring to.

I think the 'Smelly Cherry F3' pips that you sent are ALL jet black but I mean what are the chances of getting a purple 'Smelly Cherry x Super Lemon Haze'? because I wouldn't mind a purple plant that smells like lemons.
football manager 2012 has been out for ages, theres been a skidrow torrent about for time.

u play it much yman? i been playing since championship manager and season 92/93 on the amiga with cantona n lee chapman lol
football manager 2012 has been out for ages, theres been a skidrow torrent about for time.

u play it much yman? i been playing since championship manager and season 92/93 on the amiga with cantona n lee chapman lol

No mate I don't play manager games, I'm a Pro-Evo man myself. I'm building a PC for our lass's mate and just downloaded it for her fella cos he's into it.

The tight cunt could buy it from for £12.50 brand new though,he gave me £600 to buy parts!
No mate I don't play manager games, I'm a Pro-Evo man myself. I'm building a PC for our lass's mate and just downloaded it for her fella cos he's into it.

i was into to pro evo back in the day fuck i remember the 1st wasnt even called pro evo was winning soccor eleven or something like that, but fifa did or has the last few years been the better game or at least the prefered by the masses i aint got much time for console games not that i got much time for any games but pc games all day long are my prefered choice.
Pro-Evo is by far the better football game but the fanboy masses prefer Fifa because of the licensing. The ironic thing is the fanboy masses forget that you can download updates that sort the kit,teams and players for you or you can edit the values manually.

Fifa 12 is fucking atrocious to be honest,peel back the bells and whistles and it's just shoddy. I got a torrent a week before the release date and didn't even manage to play 1 match before I got pissed at the none existent physics and wiped it from my machine never to return!
I registered within minutes billy lmao fuckin idiot came out with a classic line...... The lights where green?!
What that had to do with the fact we were in a static traffic jam when he came thrashing it down the road I'm not too sure lol
Pro-Evo is by far the better football game but the fanboy masses prefer Fifa because of the licensing. The ironic thing is the fanboy masses forget that you can download updates that sort the kit,teams and players for you or you can edit the values manually.

Fifa 12 is fucking atrocious to be honest,peel back the bells and whistles and it's just shoddy. I got a torrent a week before the release date and didn't even manage to play 1 match before I got pissed at the none existent physics and wiped it from my machine never to return!

pro evos bollox mate fifas a lot better and what physics you on about? Lol downloaded pes13 and its crap looks an plays like fifa 10 looks old lol
Fifa all the way lol I wouldnt give pro evo the privalige to gather dust on my shelf , Its for people who cant play football games lmao :-P
I registered within minutes billy lmao fuckin idiot came out with a classic line...... The lights where green?!
What that had to do with the fact we were in a static traffic jam when he came thrashing it down the road I'm not too sure lol

Should have pretended you cunt move mate, an phoned the ambulance to get you, neck braced up an lot lolol means more ££££££££££'S ;)
DOG bx1 regular.
@Dura sent them this mo mate went out special delivery so will be with you before 1pm 2mo I emailed you the tracking/barcode so you can see where they are mate.