TGA Strains Stable?

never said it was ur fault i was saying if u just cut the lowers that the problem u were having would've went away. listen with ur ears and not with ur eyes
no you said it was his fault his mhz self pollinated, that is the breeders fault as long as it's subcool's gear though according to you. mr. nice isnt some mythic breeder where you get results every time, sometimes he sells unstable gear. hell his mhz isnt even stable IMO but that is another story. cutting the lowers would stress the plant any further, likely leading to even more balls/nanners.
see u had problems with mhz if u know anything about hazes if u would've just cut those lowers there wouldnt been no other problems. hazes are easy to fuck up if u dont know wat your doing.

Hmm I guess I don't know what I'm doing then. Well I have 2 other hazes that are doing fine. There's nothing haze about this MH that hermed. Also the lower flowering balls on MH were snipped of by the branch since it was small and I didn't wanna toss pollen but too late since some popped. But still I kicked outside cause I Can't have that. She/He will make good BHO.

If ya wanna bust my nuts About hazes get lost dude. I'm hard enough on myself I stated I should've look closer. Piss off
U can't even compare mr nice seeds to tga. U made me laugh thinking bout it. Tga is more like greenhouse seeds but regular seeds with the same out come.
your crazy. You stooped to a new low comparing tga to greenhouse seeds.

Seriously!!! TGA isn't even in the same stadium as GHS and I'm truly not a fan of GHS, but c'mon TGA can't compare to them, TGA compares better to that guy across town who accidentally pollenated his own crop.
Also their end product is low potency and unstable backyard breeders

Is it possible for you to be more full of shit?

I've asked at least 5 times and you still haven't responded.

Where are the pics of your work/skills? Surely a man with your great and vast knowledge over the last 15 years would have some pictures. Put up or shut loudmouth. I have plenty of pics here, including my grows of TGA gear, let's see your work.

Without any pics you are nothing but a loudmouth that has a personal axe to grind. Pull the sand outta your vagina and post your work loudmouth. You're being called out, let's see you answer with pics not just baseless lies and bullshit uninformed opinion
I see tg gays left and right nutts show'd up with private dick. Y y'all stay pissed? Where are da rest of unstable weed nerds? Trying to find a clone only plant sub hasn't fuckd up yet?
I see tg gays left and right nutts show'd up with private dick. Y y'all stay pissed? Where are da rest of unstable weed nerds? Trying to find a clone only plant sub hasn't fuckd up yet?

Bla fucking bla...

Still no pics huh Sally?
Just like I said youre full of shit.

No pics, no credibility.
Go read some more and leave the advice to those of us that actually fucking grow
15yrs, man you do seem to do a lot of TGA bashing..I simply just wanted to know other people's experience b/c of the issues I had with subs shit. His beans are not for me and I will no longer grow any of his gear. But I am not going to go to every tga post and just talk shit. Whats your deal 15yrs?? Just wondering how sub struck such a nerve with ya