Colorado Medical Greenhouse


Well-Known Member
Ad 20 , (b) For quantities of marijuana in excess of these amounts, a patient or his or her primary care-giver may raise as an affirmative defense to charges of violation of state law that such greater amounts were medically necessary to address the patient's debilitating medical condition.
I have a 48 plant count and girlfriend does too , for 96 plants , legal, which is why I still have plants read the amendment

Anyway , just an update , everything going into flowering in Colorado :)
so I'm wondering just what kind of debilitating condition both you and your girlfriend has that your doctor will be willing to go to court for , no need to answer, its not my business BUT I can't think of one condition you'd need 48 fucking plants gimmie a break man. And as for the affirmative defense that will be pricey. don't make this another california man.


Well-Known Member
also IF you need that much medication you certainly wouldn't be in a condition to care for it.


Well-Known Member
I agree with DB. As a fellow 100% legal patient, my 15 plant limit supplies me more than enough medicine. Unless you are making and smoke all BHO (which is not healthy) you should never need more than 20 plants between the two of you. 40 for a perpetual garden. Unless this is a 0 veg time SOG setup, then you have more than you need.


Well-Known Member
lmao guys what are you plant police?? this guy is growing his own medication and you guys come piss on his parade......very helpful.


Well-Known Member
so I'm wondering just what kind of debilitating condition both you and your girlfriend has that your doctor will be willing to go to court for , no need to answer, its not my business BUT I can't think of one condition you'd need 48 fucking plants gimmie a break man. And as for the affirmative defense that will be pricey. don't make this another california man.
48 plants can mean he won't have to buy his medication or grow it for a very long time dude.........I smoke at least 4 grams a day......that is 1 ounce a can get to be a bit pricey at times.......ppl on here do have REAL medical conditions......and yes if you and the doctor have proof of your condition I'm sure there won't be much of a fight in court......for instance ppl may have arthiritis.......fractured bones that didn't heal right.......they may have had surgery they causes many problems.......shit my father in law has prostate cancer......the list goes on.....all you would have to do is retrieve the x-rays or what not and bring them into court.....there is no fighting the proof


Active Member
so I'm wondering just what kind of debilitating condition both you and your girlfriend has that your doctor will be willing to go to court for , no need to answer, its not my business BUT I can't think of one condition you'd need 48 fucking plants gimmie a break man. And as for the affirmative defense that will be pricey. don't make this another california man.
"gimmie a break man" wtf you need a break for, even if he was/is over the "limit" you sound like a filthy nosy fed. If the man says it legit leave it at that.

I know we're all trying to make these laws as legit as we can but these pot laws are just as ridiculous as your last couple post in this thread. More plants make the world a better place imo, if you say different you're just as dirty as all those all those law makers and pot nay sayers.

If you're down for taking away plants people need or even want you're fucked up imo.


Well-Known Member
48 plants can mean he won't have to buy his medication or grow it for a very long time dude.........I smoke at least 4 grams a day......that is 1 ounce a can get to be a bit pricey at times.......ppl on here do have REAL medical conditions......and yes if you and the doctor have proof of your condition I'm sure there won't be much of a fight in court......for instance ppl may have arthiritis.......fractured bones that didn't heal right.......they may have had surgery they causes many problems.......shit my father in law has prostate cancer......the list goes on.....all you would have to do is retrieve the x-rays or what not and bring them into court.....there is no fighting the proof
really? I wish we could all afford this pleasure but going by the law we can't because we also have a finished product amount to be legal.


Well-Known Member
Time for me to chime in , first off , this is legal, if not I would have lost all my plants , not just 17. I've been in this fight since the beginning , I was one of the first people to get a red card in this state, I also was the first to beat a case against the state for cultivation, with a doctors rec..

I'm not sure why me growing my legal amount bothers some people , I also have my same lawyer for the past 11 years on retainer.

I think it's just that some people wish they had the balls to do this , but they never will. It's called standing up for your rights , people should try it sometime , it feels very liberating .

And for my final statement ,
I have the right to grow my medicine , as a human being who lives on this planet , that's what gives me the right . That and I have stood for my right and even those like the idiots that think somehow this is wrong , I have stood for yours and done my time. I will and have fought for this right and will continue to do so.

We post anonymously on here, so you don't know me , don't pretend too, learn the laws before you run your mouth.


Well-Known Member
I can't help but be angry when I read this crap, as I sit here on the toilet this morning shitting my guts out (blood), I have crohns, trying to figure out why fellow coloradoans would hate on me, I have a edibles lisence , don't you really think that if I was not legit I would have been arrested , not just lose 17 plants. We are broke , grow our own food in the garden that takes up the other half of my yard, with the medical issues I and my girlfriend have , we can't ingest any chemicals with autoimmune problems, we use only organic based pesticides and plant treatments, every year we lose plants to the storms that come in around late September to October , heavy rain and wind , breaks some every time, then the bud mold , not to mention it could and has got cold early and things dont have a chance to finish. I can post some pics of a vicious hail storm we had last year that knocked down 1/3 of my garden , I really only know that my greenhouse will survive , everything else is a risk and could amount to nothing . I've already taken down 5 more since the cops came because they where males, and my indoor is done , now I'm 34 less plants than when they left.

People shouldn't judge until you've walked in my shoes and lived my life, if only you knew .


Well-Known Member

You do realize that marijauna is going up for legalization this year in Colorado right ? Amendment 64 , regulate like alcohol act, but I guess your against that. Anyone over 21 can use then and grow 6 plants.

I do need 48 plant count or I wouldn't have it, you sir give mmj a bad name by posting remarks without merit .


Well-Known Member
Yeah. You need 48 plants weighing in at a pound plus per. Whatever man. Good luck and happy growing. You might watch the name calling since you really have no idea of my intelligence or lack of


Well-Known Member
You might watch what you post without know what the hell your talking about.
Good day to you sir.


Well-Known Member
really? I wish we could all afford this pleasure but going by the law we can't because we also have a finished product amount to be legal.
so you have always abided by the law?? what about when smoking/possessing marijuana was illegal all together....were you abiding by the law then?? how about when you were a teenager smoking pot?? come dude.....don't be a Police Puppet......they can enforce the law just fine on their own....they don't need some crybaby to do it for them


Well-Known Member
Yeah. You need 48 plants weighing in at a pound plus per. Whatever man. Good luck and happy growing. You might watch the name calling since you really have no idea of my intelligence or lack of
how do you know he doesn't donate to fellow MMJ card holders? there are soooo many variables about this man's life that you aren't taking into consideration right now.......Think about things before you speak on them......quit hating.


Well-Known Member
I am hatin 2. I want 46 plants 2. Lol. Keep growin big brotha. Take care of u n ur fam n fuck every 1 of theses dicks out there