inlet/outlet fan question


Well-Known Member
Do i need to have my inlet/outlet fans on when the lights are off. If so why ?
If you are referring to intake and exhaust, I would say no to when lights are off not unless you want to implement co2 by creating it yourself. For intake it will circulate fresh cooler air in your grow area. For exhaust marijuana especially in flower tends to reek more when lights are on.


Well-Known Member
I run my intake/outake ventilations 24/7 ..

need fresh air circulation at night/dark time .. use air .. co2 is for when they are up (day time/lights on) but if you have one with speed controle or two settings you could run it at low doing night time as you wont use it to cool it down .. only to provide fresh air ..

I cut my fans with the lights .. no need for windy wether at night ..


djstirling: That's a very good and somewhat complex question. Exhaust fans have multiple functionality. They help cool by removing hot air, exchange stale air, and funnel out odors.

For temperature considerations, if it's too warm then the fans should stay on. That was easy enough...:-o

During the dark time your plants will still need the air to be exchanged so that oxygen/water can still be used efficiently for respiration, which releases energy from sugar and makes the plant grow. This always happens, in light and dark times. I'm sorry Slipon, as much as I respect your opinion across the many topics you address, I'm afraid I must disagree slightly with your latest response. In my opinion there should always be enough movement of air across the entirety of the plant so that the appropriate amount of oxygen and CO2 can be utilized. So I guess I'm saying there is a need for some windy weather at night... :sad:

When it comes to odors, it seems to me that "negative pressure" is pretty important here. Negative pressure guarantees that all odors are routed through the exhaust filters. Therefore, running the exhaust fans 24/7 would be the right thing to do IF you have negative pressure in your grow space and use exhaust filters, because odors still occur during the dark period.

Stealth is also a prime ingredient to a successful run. If fan noise is high then you may not have a choice but to cut the fans when the local area gets quiet at night.

Hope this is helpful and I don't get blasted too badly for my hasty response... :-P