Fuck the goverment!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
know. If McCain wins by two votes, I'm holding you two responsible.
make that three of us now, with redd:mrgreen:...

no but seriously im sure you have studied the man a little bit. i have never voted republican b4 but i have never been so confidant about a runner. he would be the ideal president IMHO, actually i would like to see him become king :lol: he actually wants to get rid of the fed reserve and decrease gov power!!!! he is totally against the war in iraq and believes we should be more concerned about domestics. obama still wants to keep our troops in iraq whether you believe it or not.. if RON PAUL gets into office he said "they walked right in and they can walk right out"!!!! i would feel awful not supporting him when he has the same beliefs as me:peace:

basically he just gives me the hebie jebies....

what more could you ask for medman?

I'm just gonna write in Ron Paul on my ballot in November.

same here:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Well, there goes a couple of wasted votes. Those two votes may be the ones needed to keep McCain out, ya never know. If McCain wins by two votes, I'm holding you two responsible.
You'd rather I vote for your guy because you have to "believe" he'll get us out of Iraq despite his promise to expand our military, yes? I suppose it's nice to dream. ;)

I'm still voting for the only candidate left standing that consistently voted against the war in Iraq and consistently voted against the Patriot Act.


New Member
You'd rather I vote for your guy because you have to "believe" he'll get us out of Iraq despite his promise to expand our military, yes? I suppose it's nice to dream. ;)

I'm still voting for the only candidate left standing that consistently voted against the war in Iraq and consistently voted against the Patriot Act.
Look dave, vote your conscience. don't let me influence you. Just listen to me for one moment. There are three guys running, Well 2 and a woman. But the choices are three. Your choice is basically a non-vote. If the worst one gets in by a few votes, wouldn't you rather have tried to keep him out. I mean Idealism is wonderful but reality is real and if McCain gets in we're Fucked with a capital F. You and I both know that Paul has no chance at all. So make your vote count., Hey, I'm all for idealism, but we live in the real world and basically a vote for paul is a vote for McCain. They are all liars and theives. I think Obama is the least of those. Yeah Paul might have instituted some righteous changes but probably the PTB would have killed him anyway.


Well-Known Member
Why are you idiots supporting republicans? It hasn't exactly worked out well for your country since Calvin Coolidge.


Well-Known Member
Is voting for Ron Paul some sort of way to get a less evil puppet? I don't get it.
He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war.
He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.

So to answer your question, "yes" he is less evil. Now do you get it?


Well-Known Member
He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war.
He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.

So to answer your question, "yes" he is less evil. Now do you get it?
Very good. You forgot to mention he wants to stop the policing of the world by America. He wants to bring every U.S. troop around the world home and build a strong defense instead of an 'offense'-if you will.


Well-Known Member
Second question: Maybe you shouldn't call ppl idiots if you don't understand American politics:-?
I suppose we almost have to forgive them Blaze...Some Americans get their American political lessons compliments of the MSM (MainStream Media) and don't even bother to see what's behind the curtain.


Well-Known Member
Very good. You forgot to mention he wants to stop the policing of the world by America. He wants to bring every U.S. troop around the world home and build a strong defense instead of an 'offense'-if you will.
very good post dave, i might have to steal that post.... :D if you dont mind:mrgreen:


RON PAUL is by no means a puppet IMHO, he is most def trying to serve the people for the greater good!!!!


Well-Known Member
if McCain, Clinton, or Obama get in we'll have at least 4 more years of the same b/s we got now. Why are you so afraid to vote for the guy the media won't cover. Seems like 70 percent of people say they want Paul but don't think he can win since the TV tells them otherwise. Btw all the major tv corporations are part of the cfr same as are McCain, Clinton, And Obama. I wonder why they won't talk about Paul maybe because to many corporations would lose money. Not voting for Ron Paul is just making sure we have more of the same. Ya'll need to realize majority rule doesn't work in mental institutions.


Well-Known Member
Btw all the major tv corporations are part of the cfr same as are McCain, Clinton, And Obama.
Ah...Someone who knows about the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations). Someone's been doing their homework I see. Kudos my friend! 8)



New Member
Any vote other than a vote for the Democrat Party's candidate in California is considered to be a "non-vote."



Well-Known Member
if McCain, Clinton, or Obama get in we'll have at least 4 more years of the same b/s we got now. Why are you so afraid to vote for the guy the media won't cover. Seems like 70 percent of people say they want Paul but don't think he can win since the TV tells them otherwise. Btw all the major tv corporations are part of the cfr same as are McCain, Clinton, And Obama. I wonder why they won't talk about Paul maybe because to many corporations would lose money. Not voting for Ron Paul is just making sure we have more of the same. Ya'll need to realize majority rule doesn't work in mental institutions.
+rep!!!! talk some sense into medman.. im not anti-obama as i feel he would be better than clinton or McMadman... but ron paul just rocks my socks, this guy is great and would be the best president america has had in the past 100 years or more.

Any vote other than a vote for the Democrat Party's candidate in California is considered to be a "non-vote."

what? how the hell does that work? isn't arnald a republican?