Been wondering about FDD and KMK


Well-Known Member
I'm going East on a road trip tomorrow... how fucked am I with weed in NV and UT?
Not allowed in either state. Nevada (for some reason) is totally okay with prostitution and gambling, but the absolutely draw the line of morality at you having marijuana in your possession (go figure.) Drive the speed limit, don't get pulled over. Utah has NOTHING but fast drivers. Idk where in the hell they're trying to get to so fast, but they will run your ass over. I haven't been pulled over in either state and i've driven all the way through both of them four times in the past two months.


Well-Known Member
maybe u should be worried about asking your bf why u cant stay on computer
must be drunk lol... i hope he doesnt get all crazy bout you her talkin to people on here... we only seen her boobs like what.. 6 times