I am a marijuana addict


Active Member
Seriously i can't go 1 night without it.Basicly i have the willpower to go the whole day /evening without it ,but when i go to bed i can't sleep and i just lie and tell myself ,no you ain't just gonna get stoned to help get to sleep.. but i always do.


Well-Known Member
Your not an addict in the physical sense it's more of a psychological addiction, in other words a state of mind not a state of body. And yes I'm stoned right now.


Active Member
so your saying you have 1 bongload a day before sleep? dude i smoke like 20 bongloads a day and a pack of cigarettes.


Well-Known Member
i had this problem. i lost my job because of it. then i just threw everything away one day. fast forward 2 years later and i'm smoking again. i am starting a new job in a couple of months and i'm hoping i can just shut it down for 3-4 weeks. it's a battle and i'm hoping i can muster the will power.

if you don't have a reason that you need to quit, why bother?


Active Member
Its all in the mind, your thinking about it so you can not sleep. It is like anything else if your trying to sleep you have to clear your mind. If you just broke up with your girlfriend it may be hard to sleep, if you had a death in the family it may be hard to sleep because you are always thinking about it. Mind over matter my friend, and yes I am high right now. I don't always smoke blunts.... but when I do I smoke original swishers.


Well-Known Member
im smoking since 1965
stopping only when i have to
but im no addict
i njoy the weed an partake often and reguler


Active Member
Have the same problem. I have even quit on and off for a few months here and there, and no matter what the insomnia wouldnt go away. Dont understand it myself.


Well-Known Member
make sur you not smokin sativas late at night
sativas sum og's wont let you sleeep
mind be racin and body be tired =no sleep


New Member
When I run out of weed in about 2 days I start to get really pissy and can't sleep. Then in another day or two of being sober it goes away and I'm normal.


Well-Known Member
When I run out of weed in about 2 days I start to get really pissy and can't sleep. Then in another day or two of being sober it goes away and I'm normal.
when i run out, i go looking in the crack of my table and look for roaches in my ashtray for "forgotten" weed. i need that fix.


Well-Known Member
Been smoking for 45 yrs and never had that problem have stop many times for considerable time and never missed it, as it was said, it's all in your mind and not your body.


New Member
strange. im addicted too but i dont like to smoke early in the day. i get too worn out. i never had trouble quitting though. one time i quit for months in fear of a drug test years ago when i got in some trouble. otherwise i smoke like 10 different times a night. anytime i go on vacation i also quit because i dont want to risk getting in trouble. where i live it's legal for me and some others.


I wont call it an addiction, but, I know I don't wanna go more than a day or two without... If I go more than a day or two without it so does my wife and that's bad!


Well-Known Member
Seriously i can't go 1 night without it.Basicly i have the willpower to go the whole day /evening without it ,but when i go to bed i can't sleep and i just lie and tell myself ,no you ain't just gonna get stoned to help get to sleep.. but i always do.
i am the same exact way, i cant sleep unless i get high. ever since i was little it would alway take me forever to fall asleep, id just lay there and my thoughts would just never stop going. even recently i couldnt smoke for a long period of time, and the same thing would happen, id just lay
thoughts going, taking up to 3 hrs and sometimes more before i fell asleep. weed is a gift to help me sleep, smoke one relax, close my eyes and lay down when i need to sleep and im out nearly rite away. better then any sleeping pill they try to give u.

Grown n Oregon

Active Member
well hello alll... i too am an addict. i cant really remember (no pun intended) the last time i ran out cuz it has been years and years since that happened. im sur if i did, i would be HiGhLy upset and think my world was comming to an end...might even start crying. im gettind sad just thinking about it. looks like its time to roll up a mood changer..peace!


Well-Known Member
If you know what Mullies, mulches, bloopers, bloopys, half weed and half Tabacco chopped up and smoked in snaps out of bong then you know what a real addiction is. The combination of weed and Tabacco is awfull and is 10 times harder to quite than just Tabacco and even compared to Oxy's and morphine the only thing that comes close addiction wise in my experience is Opana oxymorphine and I dropped that cold turkey but good old weed and Tabacco can turn me into a damn fiend. Separately they are not a problem at all, but together it's fuckin bad


Well-Known Member
I also always smoke before I go to sleep I am in my bed right now smoking a nice bowl of some home grown doing the RIU thing. But I find that white noise helps me out alot a radio, or even a fan I like talk radio when I'm going to sleep more mellow less stimulating than music and u will learn a little bit about the world