how to prevent bud rot and mold outdoors


Well-Known Member
Hey all so i got 37 plants outside 6 greencrack spotted alittle mold on stem and the rest are og kush no mold spotted so far i live in humboldt on the coast it mist alot and foggy sometimes i spray my plants down weekly with serenade and have tied down all my plants for better airflow any advice to help prevent the moldvwould becawesome also what do i do if i spot some?
Im in the valley, at night the humidity is around 70%. I have been noticing mold on the auto flowering strains I have outdoors but only late in the plants life cycle. Their is no healthy way to prevent it, all you can really do is just remove hat you see and go from there.
I have had one going on my plants all summer to keep them cool

me too. i have three fans: one in front that oscillates for circulation, and two in back for exhaust. when the door is closed, the plastic on the GH sucks in, meaning i have created negative pressure. i'm hoping this will expel some of the mold spores.

i did the pen torch on branch rot last year, and although it seemed to stop the spread externally, i'm sure that it helped nothing internally, as the buds up the branch were all suspect. FDD suggested some product that would be used for repairing/covering a scar in tree branches. he said it would only buy you a little more time though. can't find the product on a quick google search, but it looked to be some sort of tar or resin.

in the end, the best bet is constant vigilance. look for the tell tale signs of mold: twisted, deformed leaves among an otherwise healthy looking bud usually point to bud rot within the bud. remove them immediately. do a check every morning on all of your plants.
Good thread! I've never had to deal with mold, other than through my own carelessness when learning to cure. My plants are super bushy this year thanks to LST. This morning, I cleared the unproductive growth from the very bottoms of the stems to help with air circulation in preparation for flowering. Never had such bushy plants before so I'm winging it. So far, so good :)
Good shit laney im hoping my og kushes do fine there suppose to be mold resistant so im crossing my fingers mold is always a problem were i live.
if you put sulfur on your soil or burn it it kills mold. it lowers the ph and acdic kills it. but you run a risk of ph stress on your plants. lemon juice i would think will do the same thing. you need to get venting your green house and let them dry out in there more.
yeah its the acidity in the lemon juice that helps keep the mould away. its catch 22 in my opinion though. the lemon juice prevents mould but at the same time you are spraying water all over your buds which cant be good. i must say though i have seen some grow videos of subcools where he is in a green house and he and his mate are walking around spraying it all over there buds so maybe there is something to it