i agree with your prognosis^^^This^^^
^^^And this^^^
I used to defend Urca. And even if I thought what she was doing was totally retarded, i'd at the very least try to distract the people who were putting her down for it. But she'd just jump right back in front of the bus again. I think she likes getting hit by it to be honest with you.
bro....10% of the shit that goes on in these court rooms have to do with the lawThat has NOTHING to do with the law and EVERYTHING to do with a personal choice.
its the truth, as soon as you walk into jail someone knows what you did already.. noones really innocent in jail lol.. half the people in there dont even give a fuck they are in there.. braggin bout it and shit lol fucked up world we live inlmao.....homie, people slide paperwork.....printed out by the superior court.....black and white never lies......i doubt they have a printer in their cell
but that wasnt mentioned by herSo what if the woman had have told her man that she was going to go and throw their baby under the next car that comes along because she couldn't deal with the baby anymore..? If she was about to commit infanticide would your opinion on a woman never deserving to be beaten change..?
know what doesnt fly . . beating your partner . . . PC BS to not do something and as far as im concerned you are as bad as the guy laughing and the beating guy, because you know better and you have every option to intervene, you might as well go spit on her face as she gets choked out niext time . . . wtfi would have called the cops but that shit doesnt fly around here. it would have been very bad if i had called the cops. and plus even if i did call the cops they cant do anything unless she goes with it.
this isnt a confessionalwow. no. not at all. but fuck im admitting my fault. i dnt enough being made out to be a horrible person. but i will own up to it.
yeah....I remember some Mexican in there laughing about the fact that "he is going to beat his case" for stabbing a tweaker bitch in the head......i could have swore I was innocent too.....until I finally just said fuck it "no contest" lolits the truth, as soon as you walk into jail someone knows what you did already.. noones really innocent in jail lol.. half the people in there dont even give a fuck they are in there.. braggin bout it and shit lol fucked up world we live in
Not doing anything in that situation doesn't exactly make you a horrible person, it just makes you a person... Everybody likes to talk a big game about how they would act in a given situation, and most of the time it's just false bravado...wow. no. not at all. but fuck im admitting my fault. i dnt enough being made out to be a horrible person. but i will own up to it.
Gots to get yourself a lawyer that knows the law AND cozies up with the right people.bro....10% of the shit that goes on in these court rooms have to do with the law
this isnt a confessional
its a weed site
go talk to a priest or something
i dont think your a bad person, i dont think you much of a person at all, who could watch that and do nothing and post about it after the fact when you feel guilty for being a piece like most peoplewow. no. not at all. but fuck im admitting my fault. i dnt enough being made out to be a horrible person. but i will own up to it.
I wasn't talking about this particular instance of domestic abuse... so please don't take what I said out of context...but that wasnt mentioned by her
so making that statement makes no sense
thats just a big what if
Disagree. It is actually hard-wired into our DNA to protect our young, even if they're not "our own" young. Most likely a need for the continuation of our species or whatever. That's why child molestors aren't ever able to rehabilitate. They are literally genetically defective as far as we're concerned. They're missing the piece of their hard-wiring that tells them to protect their young.Not doing anything in that situation doesn't exactly make you a horrible person, it just makes you a person... Everybody likes to talk a big game about how they would act in a given situation, and most of the time it's just false bravado...
yeah.....I had a VERY good lawyer on my last few court dates....the first 3 were dump trucks....the last one used to be a D.A. so I think THAT is what got me a deal.Gots to get yourself a lawyer that knows the law AND cozies up with the right people.
How you think my charges of possession of under an oz (BARELY, no rec at the time), DUI @ .12, reckless endangerment for doing 87 in a 55 WHILE drunk, possession of a loaded firearm without a permit, possession of a loaded CONCEALED firearm without a permit got knocked down to a wet&reckless of .07 and all other charges being dropped?
40 hrs community service, no time served (never even saw the inside of a PD, was released to my wife), 3 years hands-off probation, AND got my gun back.
Not if you're a punk ass bitch.Disagree. It is actually hard-wired into our DNA to protect our young, even if they're not "our own" young. Most likely a need for the continuation of our species or whatever. That's why child molestors aren't ever able to rehabilitate. They are literally genetically defective as far as we're concerned. They're missing the piece of their hard-wiring that tells them to protect their young.
Mine woulda cost $6k but because he and my boss were friends it was only $3k.yeah.....I had a VERY good lawyer on my last few court dates....the first 3 were dump trucks....the last one used to be a D.A. so I think THAT is what got me a deal.