Vermont Marijuana Bust Leads to Crazy Stuff


Well-Known Member
NBC News said:
He is expected to appear in Orleans County Criminal Court Friday to answer to seven counts of felony unlawful mischief, one count of misdemeanor unlawful mischief, one count of aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer, one count of gross negligent operation, and one count of leaving the scene of an accident.
I wonder how hard it would be to perform aggravated assault on an officer that is inside a building you are not!

Felony Mischief, are you kidding me these two words in the same sentence.

Mr Pion should make arrangements to get his pilots license next :-P



Well-Known Member
Something tells me when they ask this guy at his arraignment whether he's innocent or guilty, his answer will be "Fuck You".


Well-Known Member
I know mr pion and to be honest, It shoulda happened years ago! The "man" up near these parts at times overstep there bounds. What a great way to speak one's mind with actions! Trust me this was the ONLY way they'd pay attention! Big hug to all vermont farmers!