ORLY? i fall on your mythical "Right" and i consider my positions carefully. nobody puts words in my mouth, nor do i obey the commands of the republican party.
i was FOR single payer as long as it was paid for. obama is for insurance companies giving us more of the same under a mandated policy with the threat of fines for non-compliance (and jail for refusing to comply with the fines)
i support the social security system if it is treated like a retirement plan should be, X is put in over Y years to result in Z retirement pay. since withholding is capped at $180,000 then payouts should be capped at the $180,000 wage level, with payouts based on average income over the lifetime of earnings, not the wage one makes in the last two years.
i oppose the mindless war on drugs and war on terror sloganeering which is intensely popular on the left as well as the right, both are stupid.
neither political party has any "moral high ground" on which to plant their tattered flags, both have stooped as low as possible, and both sides are full of moronic sheep who obey the commands of their masters, whether they be Glen Beck for the crazies, Rush Limbaugh for the neo-cons, Ron Paul for the libertarians, Rachel Maddow for the liberal faux-intelligentsia, or Ed Schultz for the bitter and hate filled militant leftists.
i will be voting against obama because he is a liar and a fool, if romney is the only turd to vote for, then romney gets my vote for being the less foolish pile of crap in the race
if you cant find a reason to vote for romney, then please tell me what reason to vote for obama you think is more pressing than the reasons to vote for the "anyone else" candidates