New Member
haha wtf.... maybe that's you man, maybe that's you...Now internet porn, that's a real addiction.
Login to check email, then BAM, next thing you know you're ripping the head off to Shitting Midgets 7.
Also, to people that say weed isn't addictive because there are no physical side effects, then I guess you can say tobacco isn't addictive either. I smoked a pack+ a day for 13 years and quit cold turkey. I was a dick for a couple days, and craved cigarettes, but there were no physical withdrawals. But to say tobacco isn't addictive is fuckin retarded. Basically, if you have to have the shit or you turn into a dick and crave it and can't stop thinking about it, you're addicted. I think it's different from person to person too. I'm sure some people get the shakes and night sweats when quitting tobacco; I didn't have any shit like that.