outdoor grow UK (pics)


Iv just started an autoflower grow in the north west in the uk ....

My plant sprouted 7 days ago and is a 60 day lemon from DNA genetics iv heard good things about it and I'm not really assed if it isn't as good as other strains,

the plant is in a small PVC greenhouse which keeps the heat very well, and magnifies the light so the sunlight seems stronger.

The weather has been shit at the moment it's been very dull and hasn't stopped raining but somehow the plants are growing well but just a bit slow.

It will be given food in the next few days so that should boost it

I will finish this journal while adding pics if people sub and show interest



they are being grown outdoors i just brought them in because it was dark outside

sorry for the shitty pic quality im using an iphone

THE PLANT ABOVE IS JUST THE 60 DAY LEMON AUTO - the lowryder 2 i have growing is very similiar but just not as big


the weather has been overcast for like 10 days out of 18 but it's not going to bad, and its even letting out a funky smell !!!


Well-Known Member
Apparently we're getting some better weather over the next month in the UK, as the jetstream is starting to head back up north. I saw it on the BBC earlier today.

I'm off to a festival this weekend, so it better bloody hurry up about it! Bring on the sun!!


Apparently we're getting some better weather over the next month in the UK, as the jetstream is starting to head back up north. I saw it on the BBC earlier today.

I'm off to a festival this weekend, so it better bloody hurry up about it! Bring on the sun!!

Thank god for that I really doubt the plants will start to flower in overcast weather,
It looks like you'll be heading to the festival with a raincoat


weather has still been overcast so that means slow growt....
small green hairs have popped up on the nodes not sure what they are yet
pics will be uploaded in a few days peeps



started flowering a few days ago IMG_0152.jpgIMG_0151.jpgIMG_0150.jpg

sorry for the shit pic quality !

Im not gonna go out and buy a camera to show you guys 1 autoflowerer


whaaaaaaaaaat???????? im hurt, i thought i was special :( lol, only joking :D

she's looking lovely, shame about the other one
the other lady is stil alive but she is shocking, must be a bad seed she is about 12 inch tall, skinny as fuck - and will probably yield 2 grams

oh well heres the other one - +mmmm.jpg