Where do i take my clone from PLEASE HELP!!!


Weed Modifier
The only part of the pictured plant big enough to be a clone is the main stem, imo.
That plant defines scrawny. Why do you want to clone it?

won't be when he's done with it! ;) its just the start...

got to learn to clone some time? no


New Member
The only part of the pictured plant big enough to be a clone is the main stem, imo.
That plant defines scrawny. Why do you want to clone it?

Youre a fool, as stated, im trying to find suggestions on wether to wait or wether to take one and be safe. if you want to act like the rest of us and read up on a thread before you post your uneducated bullshit, then please do. otherwise get the fuck off my thread " " B i g " " steve......

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Youre a fool, as stated, im trying to find suggestions on wether to wait or wether to take one and be safe. if you want to act like the rest of us and read up on a thread before you post your uneducated bullshit, then please do. otherwise get the fuck off my thread " " B i g " " steve......


New Member
i dedicate this one to, i peeinpools. your a fucking scumbag, and god damned retarded. thank you.
and for that i state anyone who said my plant was weak and scronny and to flower it before i killed it
Fuck you...
sage flower day 5 1.jpgsage flower day 5 3.jpghhhh.jpg


New Member
Heyyyyyy limey, im shakin the jungle in my storrage room. since you last checked up ive upped 12 plants and like 600watts haha. so im cracka lackin! ;)
i just started a new thread last night, one without a bunch of trolls who i will just block if they get in.
but yea started a new thread on my new set and all my new plants check it out buddy :)
thanks for checking up!


Weed Modifier
ive been there too grouch...people telling me bullshit, to kill my plant and all the blah blah blah...im growing basil??? ha fuck em

best way to learn is to just do it..... and see it happen with your own eyes


Weed Modifier
Heyyyyyy limey, im shakin the jungle in my storrage room. since you last checked up ive upped 12 plants and like 600watts haha. so im cracka lackin! ;)
i just started a new thread last night, one without a bunch of trolls who i will just block if they get in.
but yea started a new thread on my new set and all my new plants check it out buddy :)
thanks for checking up!
i see that looking great too me :) got a link ?
i will stop by to bash a few of those trolls if needed ;)


Well-Known Member
If you are talking about the plant in the picture there is only 1 good clone to come from her now.
That's the top 7-8 inches. Rest of the side-branches (potential clone sites) are too small, imo.
Notice when you are cutting off branches that only the largest diameter stems are thick enough
to have a hole in the middle of the stem. I've found that if I stick to cuttings big enough to have
the center hole, then my cloniong success arte goes up. Big clones good, small clones bad.



New Member
If you are talking about the plant in the picture there is only 1 good clone to come from her now.
That's the top 7-8 inches. Rest of the side-branches (potential clone sites) are too small, imo.
Notice when you are cutting off branches that only the largest diameter stems are thick enough
to have a hole in the middle of the stem. I've found that if I stick to cuttings big enough to have
the center hole, then my cloniong success arte goes up. Big clones good, small clones bad.

oh yea i had the sourdream at12" then i topped it and stuck it in the dome a few days ago.
the plant in the picture is the, S.A.G.E which is 5 days into flowering so im not taking anything off as im recieving another one of those seeds for free with my order recently.
but yea that makes sense i havent had much success or none at all with rooting so far and ive had ten cuttings. this last top i took is the thickest ive cut and planted so we'll see.
thanks guy