air intake effects smoke quality. why?


Well-Known Member
so i'm hitting my water bong with some Purps. i'm thinking to my self, "self, this is some high quality shit, 'm going to draw air real slow and steady through my bong so i get a nice burn." well low and behold, i did exactly that. i took the hit and it burned the shit out of my throat. i was coughing all over the place. the next hit i siad to myself, "self, that shit burned, let's not do that again." so i took a hit real fast and quick and i got a beatiful smoke with a berry boquet.

i also tried it with other strains and sure enough, low and slow burns the shit out of my throat and short and fast tastes nice.

anyone know why this is?

thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Funny, I noticed the same thing earlier (well kind of). I was looking at the stacks/ bubbles my perc on my Zob makes. And it only pulls off of one section of the perc holes when I hit it slow, but when I pull hard it goes through more/ all of the holes.

Hit your bong in the mirror with no smoke in it and see how the bubbles stack up. You'll probably be surprised, I know I was and will never by this style of water pipe again

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
as i was reading i was thinking to myself, "self" why didnt i think of this shit first. and then i think "self" you dont smoke out of a bong so you wouldnt think of this.

thanks for the head up so i dont make this mistake in front of other people and make an ass out of my self "self"

remember the seinfeld episode with jimmy?


Well-Known Member
the longer the smoke sits in your bong it gets "stale", makes you cough and bad taste.


Well-Known Member
Its because when you take a "Slow Draw" it also burns more resin around and under the bowl therefore you get that Resin taste. Also butane lights add a NASTY taste that has an aftertaste similar to Resin. I love Hemp wicks you can take a big hit and barely get any nasty taste. But for sure its most likely the lighter try it again after the bowls cherried


Ursus marijanus
It's the same principle as, when you fart in the shower, it stinks extra much. This was today's Polar Science Moment. cn

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i notice that is more harsh of a hit when the hole/s in the bowl are big. like when there is alot of actual air being sucked though instead of mainly smoke. i also find it more harsh when i burn alot at first instead of gradually burn down the bong rip


Well-Known Member
Open your mouth like you are wistleing, then hold the back of your fingers infront of the hole.
Blow fast with the wistle hole as small as possible, feel how cold it is... now blow slowly.... seeee.


I think part of the reason that you found the smoke harsher when you toked slower is because of smoke expansion. You know how when you're holding in a nice-sized toke, and the longer you hold it in, the more you can feel it starting to irritate your lungs? That's because while you're holding it in, it's going through chemical processes like smoke expansion (new term to me) in addition to the smoke getting "stale". So basically it's the same principle because the more time it takes from sparking the bowl to clearing the chamber, the more time the smoke spends in your lungs doing its thing, so to speak.


Well-Known Member
clean water helps ive noticed.. i have to clean mine more now was lazy tasted lazy so im over it now. lots of air flow with a good small bubble ratio is good. that one hole in the bowl is not it. get a honeycomb bowl like $20 at my over priced shop.

if your air isnt being ripped apart into tiny not small tiny ass bubbles your perc/down stem is not doing its job n needs to be fired.