Take a Look at my new Grow Tent/setup

Not dis'ing superthrive but becareful with as it is pretty acidic I used it on my outdoor sour d last year and it did wonders, but on my last 2 I was using superthrive and it fucked shit up but I was foliar spraying with it too and I think that was the problem. But for whatever strain I'm growing now i have found something even better in Bioweed cold pressed seaweed(kelp) and this stuff is just nuts; now I've literally seen growth overnight from both products but there is something about kelp that reassures me more than superthrive and that's because Bioweed is organic and personal opinion feel safer using it. I was using superthrive a bit more often than every other week or 2 so I'm sure that didn't help either but from what I have seen in the response from Bioweed I would say it's better. Just be careful with whatever you use too much of anything will always cause problems gl smokey


Active Member
Not dis'ing superthrive but becareful with as it is pretty acidic I used it on my outdoor sour d last year and it did wonders, but on my last 2 I was using superthrive and it fucked shit up but I was foliar spraying with it too and I think that was the problem. But for whatever strain I'm growing now i have found something even better in Bioweed cold pressed seaweed(kelp) and this stuff is just nuts; now I've literally seen growth overnight from both products but there is something about kelp that reassures me more than superthrive and that's because Bioweed is organic and personal opinion feel safer using it. I was using superthrive a bit more often than every other week or 2 so I'm sure that didn't help either but from what I have seen in the response from Bioweed I would say it's better. Just be careful with whatever you use too much of anything will always cause problems gl smokey
Im thinking sence I picked up.some shit called"The organics go box " which has the bioweed u were speaking of. Also has calcium bottle and a few other good things iv been ready about it. If not sure with this just google it n tell me what u think. The last thing I wanna do is burn my babies so I thought going with the The root organic soil and the organics go box for nuets will give me the best organic grow you know what I mean.im not a fan of bud that taste chemicaly


Active Member
yea as Lime say . its easy .. but consider to FIM .. I love it .. last time I got 4 tops .. plus 2 more from underneet .. beside them I had 6 side shoots comming up from belowe .. so I ended up with 12 main colars ...

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trick is to cut of 70-80% of the very top/new grow tip ..

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will do as when you top .. but rest of the tip (last 20% or so) will most likely make 4-8 new shoots once recoverd ..
witch can take up to a week .. but well wort it ..

make sure to use a clean razor or knife ..
good pointers. Do u think sence due due to tent size I should fem or top? And I have the basic understanding of it isboth. Topiing is taking the whole beginning new growth of the top nod. And fem is taking about 80% of the beginning new growth? Correct or tell me otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Not dis'ing superthrive but becareful with as it is pretty acidic I used it on my outdoor sour d last year and it did wonders, but on my last 2 I was using superthrive and it fucked shit up but I was foliar spraying with it too and I think that was the problem. But for whatever strain I'm growing now i have found something even better in Bioweed cold pressed seaweed(kelp) and this stuff is just nuts; now I've literally seen growth overnight from both products but there is something about kelp that reassures me more than superthrive and that's because Bioweed is organic and personal opinion feel safer using it. I was using superthrive a bit more often than every other week or 2 so I'm sure that didn't help either but from what I have seen in the response from Bioweed I would say it's better. Just be careful with whatever you use too much of anything will always cause problems gl smokey

I hate to tell you so .. but they actualy advice you not to use super thrive for foile feeding .. need to find the roots they say .. so yea might be your problem .. and as you say "too much of anything will always cause problems " totaly agree and specialy with super thrive .. also why I say a drop to a gallon .. and only like evry seccon week or 2-4 times doing seedling/veg .. its pretty consentritet stuff .. but provide more then 50 diffrent vitamins/homones/miniral that most normal nuts dont keep ..

and yes Kelp Meal is pretty nice .. belive it was frensh farmers back in the 1600ish that found out to haverst the sea weed and use it on ther fields .. or sumthing .. I use it in my soil mix ..

I also have a lot of Plagron products and I use a root booster for young seedlings .. and it actualy have kelp in it .. beside humid acid aso ..

now thinking of it .. the Plagron make a nice start box with boath grow/bloom nuts .. but also root power .. enzyms and green sensasion in small bottels .. enough for a grow atlest .. cost like 50$ or so .. make sure to get it for Terra/soil ..

its a organic product and they also have stuff like Kelp Meal and Mearl (a Ocean Lime) I also use in my soil mix to buffer PH and provide calium/trace elements ..


Well-Known Member
good pointers. Do u think sence due due to tent size I should fem or top? And I have the basic understanding of it isboth. Topiing is taking the whole beginning new growth of the top nod. And fem is taking about 80% of the beginning new growth? Correct or tell me otherwise.

well its basicly the same .. so either way you will end up with the same bennefits or problems ..

I just like FIM as you get even more tops .. so why not .. now that you are going to cut your plant anyway ..

if hight still is a problem and even if it is`t I would suggest you to do a littel LST aswell .. or use some of them tomato cages to bind the shoots to .. to spred all the tops out a bit so you keep a even canorpy and provide light to all the plant .. or as mouch as possible ..

its all about makeing the plant in to a bush insted of a high thin tree that only get good light on the top 1/3 ..


Well-Known Member
is it this one ?:


The General Organics GO Box starter pack gives you every plant fertilizer and amendment needed to grow a healthy garden from start to finish!
This all-inclusive General Organics collection is a perfect assortment of one of the most trusted lines of organic plant food available today.
Each GO Box starter kit includes:
BioThrive Grow - 16 oz
BioThrive Bloom - 16 oz
BioRoot - 8 oz
BioWeed - 8 oz
BioBud - 8 oz
BioMarine - 8 oz
CaMg+ - 8 oz
DiamondBlack - 8 oz

The GO Box is a great gift for a new gardener, or buy it for yourself to test the entire General Organics product line.

then its mouch like the Plagron I was refering to and ther are also others like Canna who make good nuts .. think its basicly the same more or less .. its just a question of tast and what you can get your hands on or is on sale .. just remember to get the once for soil and use it carefully ..

but I belive you have what you need .. the bio root mostlikely have kelp and vitimins and acids in it and the biobus is mostlikely some kind of sugar ..

its a good way to start I belive .. can allways do more research .. and maybe go another way on your next grow .. like me with a organic soil mix with all/most the nutriens in the soil .. I only add water .. and the super thrive/molesses ..


Active Member
Correct slipon that is the starter box I have. Question for the oldest plant I have.as it reaches the 4th week mark do u suggest I start nuets first then Fem or Fem first then add nuets. And iv made my mind yes I am going to Fem instead of top. Hoping for multiple colas. Mark me if im wrong but Fem is taking off about 80% of the new growth? ?
Yea I guess I didn't see the "not for foliar application" warning although as you said it being so concentrated I def diluted before I used it. Around the 10th application, I know sounds like alot, equalled out to approx once a week, through repeated use is when I started seeing problems and stopped, but it threw my ph off so much I was playing chemist trying to perfect it with testers and that itself added to more problems lol oh well live, learn and prosper through experience!!!


Well-Known Member
Yea I guess I didn't see the "not for foliar application" warning although as you said it being so concentrated I def diluted before I used it. Around the 10th application, I know sounds like alot, equalled out to approx once a week, through repeated use is when I started seeing problems and stopped, but it threw my ph off so much I was playing chemist trying to perfect it with testers and that itself added to more problems lol oh well live, learn and prosper through experience!!!

lol yea .. need to be carefull .. and I also only use it a few times ..and only a few drops ..

and I use tap water that is 7,5 PH out of the tap so its ok with me that is lower it a bit ..
tho it realy dont make a diffrent as Im in a organic soil mix that also contains Lime so the soil schould take care of the PH by itself ..

but like with evrything els .. less is more .. a littel of it can do wonders but a littel to mouch can do more harm then good ..


Well-Known Member
Correct slipon that is the starter box I have. Question for the oldest plant I have.as it reaches the 4th week mark do u suggest I start nuets first then Fem or Fem first then add nuets. And iv made my mind yes I am going to Fem instead of top. Hoping for multiple colas. Mark me if im wrong but Fem is taking off about 80% of the new growth? ?
I would just FIM the big one now .. and the smaller once .. when they got 5-6 nods (true leaves points)
and just start on the nuts at the same time .. just start on 1/4 strengs and work your way up .. could start with the big plant now and follow up with the smaller once next week .. give em nut evry seccon watering or so .. unless your have hot temps and low RH and need to water evry day ? then add nuts evry 3th watering .. use commen sens and start slowely .. baby steps ;)


Active Member
question on nuets. When I apply the needed nuets to my 1gl jug of water. Should my plant that is in a 5gl bucket take the whole 1gl of nuets when its feeding time. Or should I use half of the 1gl of nuets n save the rest for next feeding?


Well-Known Member
Im usualy watering every three days. So what ur saying is my schedaul should be nuets dry days water dry days nuets. Sound right?and im starting out 1/4 nuets like u said;).
yep .. sounds about right ..

so you roughly give em one clean water and one with nuts evry week ..

start on 1/4 strenges .. next time/week go 1/2 ..

do that for a few times and watch how they react .. it wouldnt surprise me if you never reach max feeding scredule with the Veg nuts ..

once in flowering you will have hugh plants that is used to nuts and can ... and demand a lot more ..

then you can begin to try and go max .. unless you allready saw burns ..

if you see burns along the way .. back down a bit .. do 2-3 clean watering and then start on 1/4 strengs agin ..


Well-Known Member
question on nuets. When I apply the needed nuets to my 1gl jug of water. Should my plant that is in a 5gl bucket take the whole 1gl of nuets when its feeding time. Or should I use half of the 1gl of nuets n save the rest for next feeding?

erm .. I dont realy understand ..

mix what ever your think you will need ..

I have a 2 gallon can .. if I only have small plants I only fill it up half and use halv the ammount of nuts .. of course ..

if anything left in the can (sumtimes a inch in the bottom) I use em for my house plants ..

and they realy love it :D I must have the best looking house plants of all my friends ;) even my mom tells me how green and wonderfull they look :D well that was after the super thrive ;)

but no ... dont safe nuts .. unless you know the other plant need a watering next day .. a week is to long to let it stand .. dont go cheap :D

if you use tap water ? and ther is clorin in it ?
(check your water plant/surplys home pages .. they .. in most cases have a full "10 pages" report of evrything it contains and PH value aso.)

if they do use clorin to clean your water you need to let it sit out for a day or two for it to evaporate ...

even if it dont have clorin in it I would still let it sit out for a day .. to get room tempeture .. dont water with cold or hot water .. root/plants dont like it .. and water slowely .. untill you have a littel runn off ..

I try to colect rain water as mouch as possible .. but beside that I just use my Tap water as its pretty clean here in Denmark .. and no clorin is used .. but I do let it sit out a day in the can (or just fill it evry time I used it up)


Well-Known Member
water untill you see a littel runn off .. from the good drain holes you of course have in the bottom of your pots ..

then let em dry out a bit .. so they feel light to lift and is totaly dry 1-2 inch`s down .. I use my littel finger at a corner of the pots to feel if Im in doubt .. tho normaly I just lift them and after a few waterings I know when to water more or less ..

2-4 days in between usealy .. depending on size of plants and pots and your temps and humidity and even what kind of medium you use .. and what stages the plants are in ..

a small seedling just repot from a cup to a 3 gallon pot will mostlikely have enough water for 4 days .. wile a big flowering plant with a bit of high temps and low humidity might need water evry seccon day ..


Well-Known Member
hey im just gettn back around and thought I would check in on you.. looks like I missed tha video you posted.. how goes the grow ?


Active Member
hey im just gettn back around and thought I would check in on you.. looks like I missed tha video you posted.. how goes the grow ?
Check a few pages back. Video update on the transplant for my pineapple chunk. Also im giving her first feeding with nuets tonight. And the other 2 seedlings are coming along good. Might post a update vid tonight so stay posted!


Active Member

Check it outt Update video!!! Started Nuets and Topped my 3 and half week old pineapple chunk ,also Afrodite and 8ballKush are growing right along!! Take a look let me know what u think,always taking advise and support during my First Grow! As Always Stay RealSmokey:weed:


Well-Known Member
looking real good... I never even herard of that 8ball befor, but its a sexy little thing thats for sure..
one thing bout your nutes since they are still young and in fresh soil give it to them mild for a while we dont want any burning tips on such happy plants..


Active Member
looking real good... I never even herard of that 8ball befor, but its a sexy little thing thats for sure..
one thing bout your nutes since they are still young and in fresh soil give it to them mild for a while we dont want any burning tips on such happy plants..
Thanks for the feedback n comment! The 8ball is a different kush strain out there.was told easy to grow and great results. So far looking good!also been only giving half of recommend dose of nuets so far. Question sence I purchase all Fem seeds I shouldn't have to worry about any being a male should I? And how did the Top job look on the oldest one??