Temp got to 57 in my flower room, turn my white hairs RED!!!


Active Member
Hard to say. The pic is fuzzy on the bud. What strain is she?
The strain is called Magic Mountain.. Its a custom colorado strain. she is 5 -5 sorry about pics, its the best I could do today, but it looks more red under the lights.. but she turned red in 24 hrs,,


Active Member
First time I have seen this, very interesting. I am under the impression that most strains wouldn't do that since my plants have gotten down there around 55 without that happening to them. The change was gradual for my ladies though. Did you go from like 80 to 57 in a very short time or something?


Active Member
If there are no other symptoms that imply the plant is somehow hurt/damaged, just enjoy the pretty colours :D
Outside? I'm guessing it's just the strain. My babies are potted outdoors and they see large temperature fluctuations regularly (80's-90's days down to 50's-60's nights). I'm only a few days in to the flowering stage though but she's all white pistils.
Its will be fine. No Powder Mildew use to do the same thing to my plants. Just her way of telling you thats shes stressed


Active Member
First time I have seen this, very interesting. I am under the impression that most strains wouldn't do that since my plants have gotten down there around 55 without that happening to them. The change was gradual for my ladies though. Did you go from like 80 to 57 in a very short time or something?

Sorry it took so long to reply, I had one of those days when I was suppose to be gone 2 hours, and then 2 text later I'm gone for 8. So I was not able to take a pic, but Ya we had a cold front come through here and when the lights went out It was at 75, The when I woke up I left the sliding glass door open in the room and the temp was 55 over night.. 49 outside I live at 9200 feet.. To tell you the truth it looks kind of bad ass,,, Its just weird that it happened so fast. I'm like most people here and check my plants constantly .. I just wonder if other strains turn colors when they get cold..


Active Member
have you asked who you got it from if this is supposed to happen?

Ya they said it will turn purple soon,, I said WTF purple, They said it as some old school GDP in it... of course I have no idea what old school GDP even is...


Active Member
Outside? I'm guessing it's just the strain. My babies are potted outdoors and they see large temperature fluctuations regularly (80's-90's days down to 50's-60's nights). I'm only a few days in to the flowering stage though but she's all white pistils.
She is outside now.. She is 5-5 and I think her ass is root bound.. she is in a 10 gal pot now, I'll dig a whole this weekend with my friends backhoe. and put her in there.
Good luck with your grow outside is the way to grow..
Usually purple is the color only thing the cold does is actually slow bud growth and plant down very important to keep soil temps above 65 once soil drops plant starts to stress that is when colors start to form


Active Member
You guy what is old school GDP ?? sounds like bullshit to me.. I mean is there a difference between GDP now or old school GDP ?


Active Member
Usually purple is the color only thing the cold does is actually slow bud growth and plant down very important to keep soil temps above 65 once soil drops plant starts to stress that is when colors start to form

Thanks man, makes since... I'll keep that door closed, that should help,,,