The UK Growers Thread!

Did I hear u say your gonae treat Uni like a job......hahahahahahahaha.......hahahahahahaha.....signin on isny a job Dura....hahahahahaha.....thats cheered me up

i dont sign onna, well i'll be gettin kicked off probably coz i had another medical last 2 weeks ago and i'm sure ive failed it. not fussed as i'll just go and sign on JSA, its only gonna be for a few weeks anyway.
Coz yer bird keeps feeding me cakes every time I pump

Jesus went to Cumnock. There was a guy wae a gammy leg and blind in one eye. "Come here my child and I will cure you." Fuck off Jesus Im on DLA. lol
this abuse fae a kilwinning monkey that live in saltcoats? christ thats like getting called a dodgy bastard fae a carstairs inmate. north ayrshire glasgow over spill brigade.
im fucking bored....ah know this grow has jist got another cpl of weeks to go and after its sold all those wee niggling debts are cleared but its like groundhog day right now..... and after my debts are cleared im packing in the sales side of the game...jist gonna have 2 or 3 wee grows on the go....halfa dozen plants on each, that should keep me financially sound....dont need the hassle anymore dealing with customers.
im fucking bored....ah know this grow has jist got another cpl of weeks to go and after its sold all those wee niggling debts are cleared but its like groundhog day right now..... and after my debts are cleared im packing in the sales side of the game...jist gonna have 2 or 3 wee grows on the go....halfa dozen plants on each, that should keep me financially sound....dont need the hassle anymore dealing with customers.

You know it makes sense......
You know it makes sense......

its defo the way to go, ah canny afford tae get jail time anymore, it'd fuck too many things in my life ahve really really had enuff of the shite yev gotta put up wae when yer selling....christ its no as if ahm actually making much anyway...cpl of ton a week and right now not even that....fuckin business is dead. and ive no product anyway, so i think nows the perfect time just to cut and run.....even if the plod came thru my door right this minute ive nuthin here so its no fear.....ive had the constant 'bust anxiety' feeling for over 5 years now and i think thats enuff.