Northern Lights X BB auto & Speed Devil auto


Well-Known Member
Almost all of that looks like smokeable bud to me :). I've been reading a lot about the state's just not worth possibly getting caught when I only have a year left before being legal! With all the plants I had, can get several years and is def a felony. Don't think it's fair to my fiance either. They won't care if he never grew anything or helped...


Well-Known Member
Grow is officially finished! :-P

No idea on the yield, but I might go and get a scale when they're done drying. Wet weight is unreliable anyway. I know I got PLENTY for just myself. The jar is a 2oz jar so I have about a ounce of trim which I will turn into [FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]QWISO. I probably have a good few ounces if I have 1oz of trim. I only put the sugar leaves and popcorn buds in there so it should be some pretty dank stuff. I consider popcorn buds, buds that are possible to smoke, but their size wouldn't be worth the trouble. Basically buds that look like individual calyxes and not a cola.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Going to let the girls dry for 4 days. Northern Lights yielded a lot more than the Blue Mammoth and seemed stickier, but the Blue Mammoth had 3 massive colas. Smell was actually about the same, but I had been trimming for...fuck it's 12:30...I've been trimming for about 6 1/2 hours. Anyway I had been trimming the Northern Lights without washing my hands after so I probably just smell a mix of both. Just to clarify I did wash my hands before and my tools.

Well in light of how much I have unless the size(not weight) drops significantly after they're dry I may postpone growing for a bit. We'll see. Lady got me thinkin about Big Brother and getting caught while going to college would suck beyond words. Like I said we'll see. Not worried about them tracking my RIU account or tapping my phone(prepaid anyway), but I gotta think about my priorities ya know.

But right now I plan on growing Critical Kush probably next week after I get settled in after my move 4 days.




Well-Known Member
Nice harvest Cloudz :). I bet it feels good to know you'll be smoking good!!

It really would suck if you got caught at college...the consequences are so bad where we're at that even one plant can put you in jail :(. I guess it all comes down to whether or not you feel careful enough to be able to risk it!


Well-Known Member
Thanks, not sure how smoked all the microwave bud. My taste horrible.

Jail and I'd lose any eligbility of getting a government loan(and I think scholarships too) for good.

Oh got my QWISO hash evaporating now. Not sure how much I get, but it was enough rubbing alcohol to fill a pyrex baking dish to 3/4 full. The room reeks of rubbing alcohol.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, not sure how smoked all the microwave bud. My taste horrible.

Jail and I'd lose any eligbility of getting a government loan(and I think scholarships too) for good.

Oh got my QWISO hash evaporating now. Not sure how much I get, but it was enough rubbing alcohol to fill a pyrex baking dish to 3/4 full. The room reeks of rubbing alcohol.
Mine wasn't all microwaved...but I've been smokin' schwag for so long that the microwaved bud actually tasted better. Especially the Sour Kush.

Make sure you take a pic of the hash! I haven't been brave enough to try to make any yet. Maybe I will try next harvest....


Well-Known Member
What did you do with your cuttings? Did smoke them too?
I'm such an elitest lol. I've never had schawg before and even mids taste nasty to me.


Well-Known Member
What did you do with your cuttings? Did smoke them too?
I'm such an elitest lol. I've never had schawg before and even mids taste nasty to me.
My cuttings? Do you mean the trim? I just threw them all away. Wasn't trying to buy even more shit to make hash when I've already spent so much lol.

I wish I could afford to be an elitist...not to mention, the only person I know who sells weed has only schwag. Back home, I had several sources and almost all of the street trees were from dutch commercial growers. I don't go to school on campus either, so my chances for meeting a good connect are slim. The deal breaker is def the 500 bucks required for a good ounce of trees here!


Well-Known Member
The only thing I had to buy was coffee filters. I had to alcohol and the strainers. I know bubble hash is the best, but when you get to 50%+ thc it really doesn't matter. That and this took like 10 minutes tops to do.
Yea living on/near campus is great because everyone knows someone to buy from or knows someone who does. $500 bucks is a lot, it's only $400 for loud here.


Well-Known Member
The only thing I had to buy was coffee filters. I had to alcohol and the strainers. I know bubble hash is the best, but when you get to 50%+ thc it really doesn't matter. That and this took like 10 minutes tops to do.
Yea living on/near campus is great because everyone knows someone to buy from or knows someone who does. $500 bucks is a lot, it's only $400 for loud here.
You know me...I'm not so keen on the chemical stuff lol. Maybe I will give it a try one day though. It's not like I don't drink the hell out some alcohol every once in a while ;).

Yea 500 is some BULL...this part of the country makes the least money yet has some ridiculous prices...


Well-Known Member
Cloudz congrats! Looks great. Grab a small digi scale so you can see just how well ya did, then try to improve it next time.
Give us a smoke report in a couple of weeks when it's had time to cure a little bit


Well-Known Member
Yea I think my college bookstore sells small scales for the science classes...I think, we'll see. I think instead of new lights I'm going to get a vaporizer. Seems like I really can't use LEDs with the space I have, T5s give off less lumens for less heat and we're going into the fall/winter so I shouldn't have 105F temps for a week straight. Plus I hear vaping saves weed, is much healthier, gets you higher and is a much easier hit than any methods of smoking. Lol oh wow I guess I just sold myself. Probably going to look in the $200 budget range. Few threads I've read say there's really nothing good below $150.

Hash is just about done, guide says let it dry for about 24 hours so I just need about 2-3 more hours.


Well-Known Member
Yea I think my college bookstore sells small scales for the science classes...I think, we'll see. I think instead of new lights I'm going to get a vaporizer. Seems like I really can't use LEDs with the space I have, T5s give off less lumens for less heat and we're going into the fall/winter so I shouldn't have 105F temps for a week straight. Plus I hear vaping saves weed, is much healthier, gets you higher and is a much easier hit than any methods of smoking. Lol oh wow I guess I just sold myself. Probably going to look in the $200 budget range. Few threads I've read say there's really nothing good below $150.

Hash is just about done, guide says let it dry for about 24 hours so I just need about 2-3 more hours.
I've been seriously thinking about vapes too! I see them in MMJ documentaries all the time...would love to smoke out of that.


Well-Known Member
Ugh hash is still gummy, having trouble scraping it off the glass...

I've been seriously thinking about vapes too! I see them in MMJ documentaries all the time...would love to smoke out of that.
Yea I've been looking at or Amazon actually sells DBV for $149 and the EQ for $154.

The Extreme looks like something I could leave on the table and just put some regular herbs in it.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Well if you're going to "smoke" so much you might as well do it the healthy way. Youtube reviews on the EQ were pretty cool. The base glows. Probably not a fan of the bag though. I like hookahs though so the whip isn't anything new.

Got so high I passed out(kinda) from 8am-10am I did 5 (what looked like).4-.5g bowls. Also tried a little bit of the hash. Bubbled and melted into the weed which I hear is a good sign. Thinking it's not dry yet which is why it's so sticky and hard to scrape off the glass pan. If this is the consistency it's supposed to be at...fuck this stuff is a pain in the ass to scrape.