Would you 'donate' sperm?

there is a moral side to this... you may have hundreds of kids you dont know about, in the same area, who dont know who their siblings are, and then there is a whole hoopla... it happened in like a midwestern state. This medical student donated every week for like 10 years... had like 400 kids... they realized how mnay women had his kids when a genetic heart condition (that they didnt screen for due to the years it took place) started popping up in and around with his sons in the area...
which takes me to my next point. He had 400 kids... in the same area, around the same ages, but being raised by different families... whats the likelihood of someone banging their sister
there is a moral side to this... you may have hundreds of kids you dont know about, in the same area, who dont know who their siblings are, and then there is a whole hoopla... it happened in like a midwestern state. This medical student donated every week for like 10 years... had like 400 kids... they realized how mnay women had his kids when a genetic heart condition (that they didnt screen for due to the years it took place) started popping up in and around with his sons in the area...
which takes me to my next point. He had 400 kids... in the same area, around the same ages, but being raised by different families... whats the likelihood of someone banging their sister

HALF sister
there is a moral side to this... you may have hundreds of kids you dont know about...
I don't see it that way. A person is a doner only. He didn't have anything. I donate blood like it was a religion, but I don't assume I have hundreds of blood brothers and sisters.
Never put real thought into that...

Yes. That sounds like a great idea

Ill get them all together and start a delysm army! Yes!
Even if I was qualified, I still don't think I would, too many people on Earth as it is. It is nice they just don't take anybody's sperm tho, still...too many people.
The sooner we overpopulate the better, finally everyone will focus attention on getting a big part of the population off of earth as it is to somewhere else..

And if I had 400 kids that would be awesome.. Great conversation starter
And my wallet would be quite happy
"Please abstain from ejaculation for 48-72 hours prior to this appointment"

Yeah. good luck with that.

Love how they bolded "abstain from ejaculation for 48-72 hours prior" like you might read it wrong and jerk off maniacally before the appointment.
The creepiest part is the banner over the exit from the back to the waiting room.
"That wasn't hard ... was it?"