Can Plants Recover From Sun Burn?


Well-Known Member
Like an idiot I put my plant out in the afternoon sun yesterday (100+ temps). Today it is wilting and some if not most of the leaves are fried. Some of the newer leaves seem ok. I put it in the shade and watered it. Do plants burned from the sun usually recover? It is supposed to be hot in So Cal this week so I will transfer it to my balconey.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
lightly scrape the outer layer of bark on a couple of branches and hope you see green beneath the surface. if so, you may be okay but set back a while. GL


Well-Known Member
lightly scrape the outer layer of bark on a couple of branches and hope you see green beneath the surface. if so, you may be okay but set back a while. GL
And next time if you know they maybe getting to close to light use spf 50. lol


yeah they def can.. when i first bought my clones i burned a few of the more "sensative" strands and had to ease them a lil more then others... gave them more filtered sun under a tree and started direct sun in the very early am and late pm sun where it is the weakest...never in the middle of the day at first