Lady J's Smokin' Section

I get bored of this site too... it's great when you have a problem that needs sorting but otherwise it just emphasises that you're waiting to harvest, when you could be elsewhere worrying about something else instead!
I think I too am gonna slow down again after my current grow. Unless something really exciting happens with my caramelo lol
Saying that though, I think I'm gonna take a topped cut and train it down like your skunky. I should think 16 tops would be easily achieveable with the given time... perhaps...
LadyJ, I've come to enjoy reading your updates and simulgrowing with you. Your detailed updates and experimental/borderline perfectionist(in a nice way of course) methods will be missed. I understand your reasoning completely and it resonates with me as I've been thinking of doing the same, still haven't decided yet.

Good luck with your grow and your garden, not that you need it, looking at your girls you are definitely skilled. Lemme know how the G13PX turns out too if you can!

Again, good luck and I hope everything with your move works out and you can come back to us.

Stay safe, it's crazy out there.

Lol thanks lerufus! I will still post updates of the PX until it finishes...that is one of the plants I kept lol. I'm glad you understand where I'm coming from!

Keep in touch! Remember to keep the fact that you grow on the DL, even when you become "legal." You definitely helped my grow turn out for the better. Thanks for getting me hooked on organics ^_^

Definitely will Cloudz, and I'm flattered that I helped you out with your grow and got you interested in the wonderful world of organics :).

I feel ya on that one, chick. It's one of the biggest reasons why I decided not to keep a grow journal on here. It has been kinda difficult though, because you get proud and excited about how well your crop is doing you wanna throw things out there to share with other like minded people and you kinda forget that you're taking a risk while doing so. It's easy to get caught up in it. It took me so long to scrape up the money to get my gear that when I finally got everything up and running I wanted to announce it to the world. Stupid, I know. lol

I'm pretty active on the site but you wouldn't know it because I lurk/read more and post less. I enjoy following other people's progress so it works out in the end. And as an added bonus, lurking also drastically reduces the chances of being targeted by a troll.

Lmao exactly...I thought it was a bad idea to post in the first place, but was so excited and proud that I easily convinced myself that it's not too big of a risk. It's not stupid at all that you wanted to share...this is a passion for many of us, and as someone who's found it hard to be interested in things lately, it's a shame that I've finally found something to really like again and I can't even share it without wondering if I'm placing myself in LEO's hands. I will probably keep running my mouth often because I love to talk lol...but it will probably mostly be advice or sharing articles that are interesting.

I don't blame you J. I don't post many pics at all and its for the same reason. No Journals for me lol
Hell yea...that's probably the best way to be if not legal. The paranoia is killer...especially when you know it's not entirely unfounded.

I get bored of this site too... it's great when you have a problem that needs sorting but otherwise it just emphasises that you're waiting to harvest, when you could be elsewhere worrying about something else instead!
I think I too am gonna slow down again after my current grow. Unless something really exciting happens with my caramelo lol
Saying that though, I think I'm gonna take a topped cut and train it down like your skunky. I should think 16 tops would be easily achieveable with the given time... perhaps...

LOL yup...the site certainly makes the wait feel that much longer. How are UK laws for cultivation?
Thought I'd share this lil tidbit from ICmag on what to do with your trimming because it seems fucking awesome. Also, I typed this all out from PDF so you know I love yall :-P. Going to try this next harvest!

Making Tincture...from cannabis using the maceration method.

More than a hundred years ago, when Cannabis was in the pharmacology for doctors here in the U.S., cannabis tinctures made from alcohol were commonly used for many of life's afflictions and maladies. As an accepted, safe medicine, it was easily available, these was no crime involved and you didn't have to get it from a cartel or government licensed outlet.

According to Wikipedia:

"The flowers (and to a lesser extent the leaves, stems, and seeds) contain psychoactive and physiologically active chemical compounds known as cannabinoids that are consumed for recreational, medicinal, and spiritual purposes. When so used, preparations of flowers (marijuana) and leaves and preparations derived from resinous extract (hashish) are consumed by smoking, vaporizing and oral ingestion. Historically, tinctures, teas, and ointments have also been common preparations."

You could visit your local pharmacy or buy it from an infinite number of traveling salesmen all called 'Doc' this or that.

Now it's easy to make it yourself. If you have access to some medical grade trim from your friendly grower, or some that you have collected from your own plants, you can turn that into your mix.

Our purpose here is to help medical users make their own alcohol based tincture from dried trim, buds, sifted extract or whatever is available. (As long as it is CLEAN and not mixed with floor sweepings, animal hairs, dirt, etc. It is also important to consider the use of nothing by completely organic trim.)

To make tincture using a method known as macerations you will need only the following materials and ingredients to make your own effective medicine.

~ 1 liter or quart bottle Everclear or the strongest possible pure grain spirits you can find. 151 proof white rum is also a good medium, but brandy and rum aren't as powerful an extraction agent as the higher proof distilled spirits are. However, brandy and rum make fine sipping extract suitable for small internal doses. DO NOT USE RUBBING ALCOHOL, it is poisonous.

~ 2 Quart size mason jars
with lids, glass is best for purity.

~ Enough trim, etc. to fill the jars
ground to a coarse mix. You will want to fill them tightly as possible.

~ Small bottles,
preferably with dropper vials for ease of use.


Fill the jars to the top with herb, fresh or dried. If dried, grind it to a loose powder. Fresh herb should be chopped up into small pieces.

Fill jars with Everclear, completely saturating all the herb, but leaving about 1/2 inch of space at the top of jar.

Seal tightly and check after 24 hours. You may need to add more Everclear or alcohol.

Agitate several times daily for 30 days, keeping the jars in a cool dark place.

Using a funnel, pour off the liquid into a nice resealable bottle. Then line the funnel with cheesecloth or a coffee filter, and use that to strain the rest of the tincture from the plant material.

Give it a good squeeze to get all the healing extract into your stash bottle. Store it in a cool dark place and keep it tightly sealed at all times.

Recent research has shown that an effective cannabis extract as powerful as an alcohol tincture can be produced with a glycerin base for internal use and for those that can not use alcohol.
J/w, but whats the advantage of letting it sit in alcohol for 30 days? I'm more familiar with BHO and QWISO, but at least for those methods the longer you leave in the alcohol/butane the more chlorophyll is absorbed from the plants into the solvent. Everclear is only 75% alcohol so I'm guessing the consistency would be a lot more oily/viscus right?
Thanks alot LJ Ive been trying to figure how to lst with my set up and those pipe cleaners was a wonderful idea.. Very intuitive, so now im gonna lst scrog supercrop and FIM the grow I got going now..
Check it out in my signature Im going to achieve one gram per watt in this grow G13 pine express :) or im gonna die trying
J/w, but whats the advantage of letting it sit in alcohol for 30 days? I'm more familiar with BHO and QWISO, but at least for those methods the longer you leave in the alcohol/butane the more chlorophyll is absorbed from the plants into the solvent. Everclear is only 75% alcohol so I'm guessing the consistency would be a lot more oily/viscus right?

Letting it sit allows the alcohol to extract and preserve the resins and other soluble material from the plant. Apparently, these tinctures were used as analgesics, sedatives, and narcotics. Queen Victoria used them to treat chronic pain.

Everclear is up to 95% alcohol by the way.

I'm going to post some links on it (the first is contradicting a little, saying you only need to set for 7 days and if you use wet herb, the results are disappointing). I'll probably try every way :lol:.

Timeless Tinctures

Alcohol - Free Cannabis Tincture

And this vid should give you an idea of consistency:

Thanks alot LJ Ive been trying to figure how to lst with my set up and those pipe cleaners was a wonderful idea.. Very intuitive, so now im gonna lst scrog supercrop and FIM the grow I got going now..
Check it out in my signature Im going to achieve one gram per watt in this grow G13 pine express :) or im gonna die trying

I'm glad you could learn something from me! And I'm subbed up to your grow :)
Finished making my hash ^_^ Darkened to almost black when it started collecting on the razor. Didn't want to get a nickle or something similar sticky, but it's about the size of a nickle and about 2 nickles tall :-P


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Finished making my hash ^_^ Darkened to almost black when it started collecting on the razor. Didn't want to get a nickle or something similar sticky, but it's about the size of a nickle and about 2 nickles tall :-P

Nice! Put that shit in your pipe and give us smoke report! lol. It's hash so I know it's going to be bomb no matter what ;)

Then tell us about all the high things you did before you remembered to come back and tell us about it :lol:
Already got rid of it, it's in the wash. When I added soap it showed where I missed. Did a pretty good job, only parts I really didn't scrape were the edges and corners. Totally gotta save that for the first day of classes.
I know there are a few organic lovers on this thread alongside with me, so I thought I would drop some organic goodness you way. Here is an awesome tidbit from a very interesting article:

Lacto Bacilli

One of the major workhorse beneficial indigenous microorganism used in natural farming is lacto bacilli. This particular beneficial microorganism is popularly used in composting that specifically arrest foul odors associated with anaerobic decomposition. Lactic acid bacteria thrive and feed on the ammonia released in the decomposition normally associated with foul odors. So if you need to decompose or ferment wastes less foul odors, lactic acid bacteria is the specific bacteria to use. Its application in organic farming is enormous. In aquaculture, one of the problem is related to water quality. Poor water quality stresses the fish which in turn stunts their growth and affects their health. This is very evident specially on high density and tank aquaculture. The ammonia produced through fish excretions pollute the water and stress the fish. With regular addition of this beneficial microorganisms to the water, this ammonia problem is minimized, if not fully arrested. It helps hasten or complete the denitrification or converting wastes into forms not harmful to fish.

Spraying diluted solution of lactic acid bacteria serum to the plant and soil helps plant growth and makes them more healthy. As it is applied to the soil or the leaves, these beneficial bacteria aid in the decomposition process, thus allowing more food to be available and assimilated by the plant.

Lactic acid bacteria is also known to produce enzymes and natural antibiotics aiding effective digestion and has antibacterial properties, including control of salmonella and e. coli. To farmers, what are observed are the general health of the plants and animals, better nutrient assimilation, feed conversion and certain toxins eliminations.

Here’s a simple method of collecting this type of microorganism. Lactic acid bacteria can be collected from the air. Pour rice wash (solution generated when you wash the rice with water) on a container like plastic pot with lid. Allow air gap at least 50-75% of the container. The key here is the air space. Cover the (not vacuum tight, allowing air still to move into the container) container with lid loosely. Put the container in a quiet area with no direct sunlight. Allow the rice was to ferment for at least 5-7 days. Lactic acid bacteria will gather in 5-7 days when temperature is 20-25 degrees C. Rice bran will be separated and float in the liquid, like a thin film, smelling sour. Strain and simply get the liquid. Put this liquid in a bigger container and pour ten parts milk. The original liquid has been infected with different type of microbes including lacto bacilli. And in order to get the pure lacto bacilli, saturation of milk will eliminate the other microorganisms and the pure lacto bacilli will be left. You may use skim or powdered milk, although fresh milk is best. In 5-7 days, carbohydrate, protein and fat will float leaving yellow liquid (serum), which contain the lactic acid bacteria. You can dispose the coagulated carbohydrate, protein and fat, add them to your compost pile or feed them to your animals. The pure lactic acid bacteria serum can be stored in the refrigerator or simply add equal amount of crude sugar (dilute with 1/3 water) or molasses. Do not use refined sugar as they are chemically bleached and may affect the lactic acid bacteria. The sugar or molasses will keep the lactic acid bacteria alive at room temperature. One to one ratio is suggested although sugar, regardless of quantity is meant simply, serving as food for the bacteria to keep them alive. Now, these lactic acid bacteria serum with sugar or molasses will be your pure culture. To use, you can dilute this pure culture with 20 parts water. Make sure water is not chemically treated with, like chlorine. Remember, we are dealing with live microorganisms and chlorine can kill them. This diluted form 1:20 ratio will be your basic lactic acid bacteria concoction. Two to four tablespoons added to water of one gallon can be used as your basic spray and can be added to water and feeds of animals. For bigger animals, the 2-4 tablespoons of this diluted lactic acid bacteria serum should be used without diluting it further with water. Lactic acid bacteria serum can be applied to plant leaves to fortify phyllosphere microbes, to soil and compost. Of course, it will help improve digestion and nutrient assimilation for animals and other applications mentioned before. For any kind of imbalance, be it in the soil or digestive system, lacto bacilli can be of help.

One of the popular beneficial microorganism innoculant sfrom Japan (EM) contains lactic acid bacteria as its major component, including photosynthetic bacteria, yeasts, actinomycetes and fermenting fungi. These are pure culture imported from Japan and can be subcultured through the use of sugar or molasses. These other microbes can be cultured in several ways by farmers themselves.

Be honest, did the color change help your eyes? I am high as hell trying to read all that text in black and feel like I'm losing my mind LOL

Here is the link if you think I'm just high as hell and I totally fucked with your eyes instead of making it better :lol:

I am lactose intolerant, so your entire post offended me. GET BENT!

nah jk... i didnt even read the whole thing lol
Hi all, I've been thread lurking for a while and thought I'd say hey. I just posted a journal if anyone wants to bump or dare I say sub up. Thanks and cheers.
Colors helped, except light orange is a pain to read. Seems like it might help, but how much? We talkin 30%+ in yield? As with everything it comes down to "will the amount of work I put into it be worth it". Not saying it's snake oil, but I'm guessing it doesn't make that significant of a difference. That's just coming from me not really hearing about this before.
Colors helped, except light orange is a pain to read. Seems like it might help, but how much? We talkin 30%+ in yield? As with everything it comes down to "will the amount of work I put into it be worth it". Not saying it's snake oil, but I'm guessing it doesn't make that significant of a difference. That's just coming from me not really hearing about this before.

I agree about the orange. Seems better to stick to green and red.

The reason why you probably haven't heard of it is because these concepts are known mostly by people who keep up with agriculture. Unfortunately, with the discrimination against cannabis being prevalent around the world, we're just now finding out about this info in regards to Mary J!

The PDF below is a legitimate, detailed, scientific experiment showing the huge increase in yield when using lactobacilli. After the reading the results, I can't help but be tempted to try... KNF Conf Data/C4-9-154.pdf
Very interesting...Seems like EM had more than Lacto Bacilli in it, but Lacto Bacilli by itself doesn't look too hard to make. Might have to give this a try myself.