The UK Growers Thread!

either way it's down and had a few days flush so i should be fine. next up the sprawling sativa is getting a full 600 to herself for a fortnight. if that doesn't kick the buds on i dunno what will. installing the screen saturday.
well thats my shit fucked up! council wont in on 2 dates over the next 2 wks got nowhere to hide all of em so will just be left with 2 that i will need to then veg n clone n then root the clones just hoping i can get all that done in time for a xmas grow thats if they dont wont in again b4 xmas which would then totally fuck me.

council have cost me a easy 10k in the last 18months. CUNTS!
well thats my shit fucked up! council wont in on 2 dates over the next 2 wks got nowhere to hide all of em so will just be left with 2 that i will need to then veg n clone n then root the clones just hoping i can get all that done in time for a xmas grow thats if they dont wont in again b4 xmas which would then totally fuck me.

council have cost me a easy 10k in the last 18months. CUNTS!

Hold yer horses. Can u not hire a transit????? How long they going to be in for
the growing of the weed is a piece of piss u gotta be a fucking div to not be able to grow weed, its all the added complications that make it a nightmare.
that's what i was getting at man. the stresses and heartache of how it interacts with your life is the ball ache. weed is fairly easy to grow of course. growing top notch is a bit harder.
that's what i was getting at man. the stresses and heartache of how it interacts with your life is the ball ache. weed is fairly easy to grow of course. growing top notch is a bit harder.

not really don how hard is it to grow a clone-only strain in soil??? any of the clone-onlys in soil will be top notch.

but totally agreed the stress's the headaches and how it interacts with ya life is total fucking ball ache which unless ya grow u wont understand.
i'm not opening this can of worms again lol. i've had the clone onlies in my stable just as long if not more than you but i know that it would be daft of me to think that they are the be all and end all of all time. hence i grow other stuff and crosses of the clone onlies with the best other stuff i can get my mits on.

for example look at underground originals repro of blues and the subsequent crosses.

anyway suns out i'm away for a swally
Yorky gunna be dodgy takin a shit load of goats over to poland to raise with the laws an what not with desease an you cant just bring meat into the country not sure how it works in europe but will be a lot of hassle unless you can get a contact over thete with goats but cant see the poles wastin meat like us tho.

Well yes and no.

Our lass's brother,dad,mum,grandad,grandmother and uncle are all registered livestock and cattle farmers (but with an empty farm). Stock has to have rabies shots and stuff like that (beasts should come with papers to prove they're clean,all livestock within the EU intended for consumption has to be 100% traceable from farm to mouth in case of foot and mouth desiese and all that) obviously but Poland is an EU country just like we are so the criteria concerning livestock well fare and living/farm conditions are the same as here,it's not English/Polish legislation concerning farming it's just EU legislation.

It would be a fuck around filling all the forms and registrations concerning the import/export of stock to conform with legislation and get licenses but that would be the hardest and most expensive part. The farm would be in Poland so that part would be a damn site cheaper than it being in England because the currency conversion rate is 1-5 on an average day,meaning it would be 5 times cheaper to do things in Poland than here.

There aren't really any laws on export only import,so I would be importing livestock from England to Poland under Polish law but then importing only processed meat products back into England under our laws which is a damn site easier!

It will cost money to set up granted but seen as the stock is free (or next to fuck all),the farmland is free and the feed is free (free range 100 acres) then it should potentially workout OK.

I'll know a lot more when I've been over in a few weeks and spoken to the family.

And fuck it,if it's too much hassle I'll just grow 100 acres of strawberry's and import those instead,86 year old grandmother has half an acre of strawbs that she tends herself!
Well yes and no.

Our lass's brother,dad,mum,grandad,grandmother and uncle are all registered livestock and cattle farmers (but with an empty farm). Stock has to have rabies shots and stuff like that (beasts should come with papers to prove they're clean,all livestock within the EU intended for consumption has to be 100% traceable from farm to mouth in case of foot and mouth desiese and all that) obviously but Poland is an EU country just like we are so the criteria concerning livestock well fare and living/farm conditions are the same as here,it's not English/Polish legislation concerning farming it's just EU legislation.

It would be a fuck around filling all the forms and registrations concerning the import/export of stock to conform with legislation and get licenses but that would be the hardest and most expensive part. The farm would be in Poland so that part would be a damn site cheaper than it being in England because the currency conversion rate is 1-5 on an average day,meaning it would be 5 times cheaper to do things in Poland than here.

There aren't really any laws on export only import,so I would be importing livestock from England to Poland under Polish law but then importing only processed meat products back into England under our laws which is a damn site easier!

It will cost money to set up granted but seen as the stock is free (or next to fuck all),the farmland is free and the feed is free (free range 100 acres) then it should potentially workout OK.

I'll know a lot more when I've been over in a few weeks and spoken to the family.

And fuck it,if it's too much hassle I'll just grow 100 acres of strawberry's and import those instead,86 year old grandmother has half an acre of strawbs that she tends herself!

I know what I'd be growing. lol
She was looking at some reports of cannabis busts in her village on a Polish news site last night and this 21 year old lad has been caught with three 2m tall HEMP plants in his bedroom. Yes that's right hemp! He didn't know at the time bless his little cotton socks, I laughed my arse off when she showed me the photo's even she knows the difference by sight. He's looking at about 6-8 years for cultivation! His only defence to get a lesser sentence is that it was actually industrial hemp with no psychoactive component,regardless he's still guaranteed jail time!