Anyone renew their card recently? How long is it taking these days?


Well-Known Member
Sent in my stuff about a month and a half ago and I'm getting ready to move in a few weeks. Anyone recently renew and knows how long they're taking now?


Active Member
Sent in my stuff about a month and a half ago and I'm getting ready to move in a few weeks. Anyone recently renew and knows how long they're taking now?
Just got mine renewed recently and it took about 6 weeks. Yours should come any day now.


Active Member
I am letting mine expire. You only need it if you want to shop in an MMC. With the database being compromised by law enforcement, it is not worth the risk anymore. Simple possession is just a misdemeanor where I am at anyway. Rather pay the fine then be on that database.


Well-Known Member
If I wasn't growing I would not have renewed. I still consider it to be a decent insurance policy against cultivation charges.

My renewal took about 6 weeks too and I just got it back last week.