How long?


Well-Known Member
What week are they and how many more? Also, I'm breeding her with my male so how long till i see seeds. He's already pollinated her. Also her leaves have been like that her whole life, is it a genetic mutation?


Well-Known Member
Strange looking leaves, looks to be two to three weeks in flower and indica dominant. For seeds you should let her grow 'till she dies on her own for viable seeds. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Strange looking leaves, looks to be two to three weeks in flower and indica dominant. For seeds you should let her grow 'till she dies on her own for viable seeds. Just my opinion.
How long till i see them forming? I've heard of people pulling seeds right off the plant and they have good germ rates.


New Member
Some strains seeds are mature enough just a few weeks after pollination, I'd wait at least another 2, about 4-5 weeks into flower, just check em every week.

Major Prune

Active Member
30 days from pollination has been safe for me. The calyx will start swelling by about a week. Wait until they are brown and don't collapse between your fingers when you squeeze.


Well-Known Member
30 days from pollination has been safe for me. The calyx will start swelling by about a week. Wait until they are brown and don't collapse between your fingers when you squeeze.
Pollination starts when the male's first pollen sack opens, not when the first sacs are produced. Right? Cause my males first sacks opened a week ago so is it safe to assume that shes been pollinated since that day?


Well-Known Member
9 weeks or so for good smoking buds, but for seeds they should be well developed.
October it is.. but as for yield, it looks like it is only going to yield a few grams, but she's 2 feet tall and I've heard of people getting a minimum of a quarter. I was hoping for an ounce, she's been growing since early May...


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately you tend to lose quality and quantaty when polinating girls, that's the price you pay bud the seeds are what you want.


Well-Known Member
I understand the THC content won't be as high, but how much of the quantity will be off. I mean, I was aiming for an ounce each, but I don't think I'm coming close, it looks liek it only has a few grams on it so far.


Well-Known Member
I have yet to attempt polination so I'm not an expert but I would say not only do you lose quality but maybe quantity, she's been polinated so no need to continue putting out buds or resin to catch pollen. your plants look to be 3 maybe 4 weeks into flower.


Well-Known Member
I have yet to attempt polination so I'm not an expert but I would say not only do you lose quality but maybe quantity, she's been polinated so no need to continue putting out buds or resin to catch pollen. your plants look to be 3 maybe 4 weeks into flower.
So even with pollination cutting down my quantity, will she still put out a half ounce or am i just getting the few grams that are on there.


Well-Known Member
I would assume that those exiting buds will develop more as time goes on so you should get more than there is now.

Thurgood jenkin$

Active Member
Your too caught up with weights man. Don't think about it, you get what you get.

You also made the choice to pollinate her and taint the buds. I personally would just let her go for a long ass time, harvest, dry, break up and harvest seeds, turn the rest into BHO. hash oil. Thats just me.


Well-Known Member
Your too caught up with weights man. Don't think about it, you get what you get.

You also made the choice to pollinate her and taint the buds. I personally would just let her go for a long ass time, harvest, dry, break up and harvest seeds, turn the rest into BHO. hash oil. Thats just me.
I was pretty sure that seeds in the bud don't ruin just causes the THC to drop a few percentages. Atleast the bud smells fantastic.