The Seed Collectors Thread


Well-Known Member
And! I don't know if I mentioned this to you guys, but I talked to Jay of AKG on facespace. He said that it isn't going to be F2's, he is doing a BX of JPR and Sin City Kush. He said he was getting ready to do the selection shortly.
he said he was calling it a BX and then just Sin City Kush 2..but Sin City Kush x Sin City Kush is technically an F2 no matter how he markets it.
The Sin City 2's are already dry and getting prepped to ship. I should have mine this week.


Active Member
Glad the point in that direction was used. Hope u saved some loot.
paid 314$ with shipping. im going 2 buy the hoods and bulbs from a local store, but i know hes not stocking lumiteks right now, ever time i talk to this guy on the phone we get into a 2 hour long conversation on growing, last time we were talking about the E.C. (electrical conductivity) of water. the lower ur e.c. the more ppms u can run with out burning ur plants, like tap water is coming out of ur tap with 300ppms of minerals a other crap in it.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone an idea if its better to send rooted clones or unrooted clones through the post? Ive done Rooted b4 with good success but was a short journey overnight so they were perfect! Any ideas on how long one could last unfed and without light? thanks champo's!


Well-Known Member
Rooted for sure. In Rapid Rooters. Get em wet. Wrap em in papertowels, bubble wrap that. stick in a cut open soda bottle, bubble wrap that, stick in box... USPS Priority Mail if In USA... works every time.

Higher Medz

Well-Known Member
i am supposed to write an article for Jorge Cervantes about the current problems with the serious fight against cannabis in my country

u guys think i should do it?


Well-Known Member
Rooted for sure. In Rapid Rooters. Get em wet. Wrap em in papertowels, bubble wrap that. stick in a cut open soda bottle, bubble wrap that, stick in box... USPS Priority Mail if In USA... works every time.
Drank i like the sound of that man thank-u! Mine was similar didnt go to mass extent of the bubble wrap tho will this time round!


Well-Known Member
he said he was calling it a BX and then just Sin City Kush 2..but Sin City Kush x Sin City Kush is technically an F2 no matter how he markets it.
The Sin City 2's are already dry and getting prepped to ship. I should have mine this week.
Ok went back and checked my message. I thought it said something about Sin City Kush, but it didn't it was about JPR, and this is what was said. I'll go back and fix it in my other post so as not to confuse anyone or spread any disinformation. this is what he sent me.

"Alphakronik GenesThanks for the kind words, bro. Yes, we are starting a JPR F2 Project, but it's actually a bx as we are taking a JPR male and going backwards with it on the LVPK mom."

I'm sure he has a few projects going on though and leaks tidbits about this or that to followers like us. :P


Active Member
i am supposed to write an article for Jorge Cervantes about the current problems with the serious fight against cannabis in my country

u guys think i should do it?
why would u not do it? let me tell u something, some of the pics posted on this thread are high times worthy, and your one of them plp


Active Member

Hahahaha! Had a busy ass day today moving some funk ass sour d.. Damn I wish I still had my cut!!
fuckers be fightin over that shit lol
Been trying to keep up but damn there were like 20+ more pages since this morning lol
if im not home im on this thread via my phone just 2 stay up 2 date.

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
I know how u feel boyz. I miss my sour d cut so badly. Ive got the 707. It got messed up last run when my a/c took a shit so I'm hoping it's as good as I hear. Blissfest was talking real highly about his biodiesel. I'm gonna cop it soon i think. I'm so pissed I cant topdawg gear anywhere I trust. Cuz I'm sure I could find something nice in their gear.


Well-Known Member
Ok went back and checked my message. I thought it said something about Sin City Kush, but it didn't it was about JPR, and this is what was said. I'll go back and fix it in my other post so as not to confuse anyone or spread any disinformation. this is what he sent me.

"Alphakronik GenesThanks for the kind words, bro. Yes, we are starting a JPR F2 Project, but it's actually a bx as we are taking a JPR male and going backwards with it on the LVPK mom."

I'm sure he has a few projects going on though and leaks tidbits about this or that to followers like us. :P
That would actually be a LVPKBX?!?
Strange but I dig it.


Active Member
I know how u feel boyz. I miss my sour d cut so badly. Ive got the 707. It got messed up last run when my a/c took a shit so I'm hoping it's as good as I hear. Blissfest was talking real highly about his biodiesel. I'm gonna cop it soon i think. I'm so pissed I cant topdawg gear anywhere I trust. Cuz I'm sure I could find something nice in their gear.
i would kill for a real cut of head band , im growing a 707 cross right now


Active Member
I collect seeds like a mofo.. Shit MEIN I even made my own.. 5 strains included and the end result is the shortest, fastest little friggen plant in the world bar none.... For me, this is simply a hobby. Strains included are Pineapple chunk (cuz i luv it so much), Short stuff auto, cross breed of short stuff auto.. (Ez to recover from a mess) and a local ruderalis plant left over from WW2.. Yes, it was hemp.. But after 67 years of no attendance or observation.... It's surely a ruderlis plant. Next up in the breed is Afghan Kuoooosh auto.. Now that I am sitting on over a 1000 seeds, and they are popping... I think I am rich.. (In friends only).. I can rotate every friggen week in a 18 pot set up...


Well-Known Member
That would actually be a LVPKBX?!?
Strange but I dig it.
Yes it would. :) I smoked a blunt with my girl tonight of some JPR that's been curing for a couple months. I tell you what. That shit is out of this world stoney. It just keeps getting more and more potent. I really want some good LVPK genetics though and that was why I bought the JPR. I ended up getting a bomb ass SQ dom plant, lol. But it brings its best to the cross for sure. It opens up the kush density and the buds start to dread towards the end, but it is still all very dense and yields above average for a kush. Any nug left on there will be a tight ass kushy flower at the end. Cheesy funky smell, hard to describe, a sweet floral cheese. Not the biggest colas, but everything on it will produce. It brings a little color, but if you pump it full of nitrogen it really packs on the weight. I harvest it at week 8-11 depending on if she wants to keep going. Now if I could find a good LVPK dom male....

JPR#2 First run.jpgJPR Cola.jpgJPR #2 1st Run Close Up.jpgJPR #2 Close up #2.jpg2012-01-04_18-11-06_230.jpg