Well-Known Member
Very interesting...Seems like EM had more than Lacto Bacilli in it, but Lacto Bacilli by itself doesn't look too hard to make. Might have to give this a try myself.
RG had the second best results and it, "consists of fresh farmyard manure, fresh milk and a nutrient mix diluted with water and formulated by aerobic fermentation. Milk is added to enhance the growth and activity of lactic acid bacteria."
Well Lactobacillus is a genera of lactic acid bacteria (LAB)
So just mixing nutes with manure and fermented milk (which spawns the lactobacillus) gave large increases versus the control.
The EM, "consists mainly of lactic acid bacteria, photosynthetic bacteria, yeasts and actinomycetes, along with other genera and special of beneficial microorganisms. The inoculant is formulated by anaerobic fermentation with molasses as a carbon and energy source. It is diluted with water prior to use."
That just sounds like what you would put into an organic tea such as:
- Ancient Forest EWC ($14) - Soil amendment provides a high diversity of microorganisms, including more than 35,000 species of bacteria and over 5,000 species of fungi. (AF can be replaced by any earth worm casting)
And then adding lactic acid bacteria to it! Earth worm castings + lactobacillus + molasses = win

Very interesting!
Tell me if my logic is wrong because I am new to this and could be understanding wrong...but I am going to try some experiments!