Lady J's Smokin' Section

Very interesting...Seems like EM had more than Lacto Bacilli in it, but Lacto Bacilli by itself doesn't look too hard to make. Might have to give this a try myself.

RG had the second best results and it, "consists of fresh farmyard manure, fresh milk and a nutrient mix diluted with water and formulated by aerobic fermentation. Milk is added to enhance the growth and activity of lactic acid bacteria."

Well Lactobacillus is a genera of lactic acid bacteria (LAB)

So just mixing nutes with manure and fermented milk (which spawns the lactobacillus) gave large increases versus the control.

The EM, "consists mainly of lactic acid bacteria, photosynthetic bacteria, yeasts and actinomycetes, along with other genera and special of beneficial microorganisms. The inoculant is formulated by anaerobic fermentation with molasses as a carbon and energy source. It is diluted with water prior to use."

That just sounds like what you would put into an organic tea such as:
  • Ancient Forest EWC ($14) - Soil amendment provides a high diversity of microorganisms, including more than 35,000 species of bacteria and over 5,000 species of fungi. (AF can be replaced by any earth worm casting)

And then adding lactic acid bacteria to it! Earth worm castings + lactobacillus + molasses = win :).

Very interesting!

Tell me if my logic is wrong because I am new to this and could be understanding wrong...but I am going to try some experiments!
Seems like a good idea. The whole tea thing is beyond me. I'm a minimalist. I like veg nutes, flower nutes, molasses and lime.
Seems like a good idea. The whole tea thing is beyond me. I'm a minimalist. I like veg nutes, flower nutes, molasses and lime.

Lol I feel you on that. Usually me too...but I need more things to do or I'll end up putting hands all over my plants and end up doing something to stress them :lol:. And I have this intense desire to dial-in my grow methods for some reason...
Hey Lady J - Here is a shot of my flower/reveg clone. She is not so ugly any more! :)


And here is MozPoz mainlined for 8 - I just need to add the cage.


Lol I feel you on that. Usually me too...but I need more things to do or I'll end up putting hands all over my plants and end up doing something to stress them :lol:. And I have this intense desire to dial-in my grow methods for some reason...
Yeah i tend to be OCD about it too. I want to treat the plants like animals and pet them, feed them, but they are not animals or rock, they are plant.
Yeah i tend to be OCD about it too. I want to treat the plants like animals and pet them, feed them, but they are not animals or rock, they are plant.

Well I believe everything is one in the if you nurture a plant, in a way you're nurturing / cultivating yourself. Honestly believe this...people in the East have used it this way for thousands of years! Namaste :)
Well I believe everything is one in the if you nurture a plant, in a way you're nurturing / cultivating yourself. Honestly believe this...people in the East have used it this way for thousands of years! Namaste :) youre like pocahontas?


Hey, here's a question I thought I'd throw out here since there are so many knowledgeable people who cruise this thread.. does anybody have any suggestions for a good site to buy kief boxes from? I'd like something that is obviously functional but also pretty and unique, and at a reasonable price. A friend suggested Exotic Zombie but their site is down.

Hey, here's a question I thought I'd throw out here since there are so many knowledgeable people who cruise this thread.. does anybody have any suggestions for a good site to buy kief boxes from? I'd like something that is obviously functional but also pretty and unique, and at a reasonable price. A friend suggested Exotic Zombie but their site is down.

I've been looking at the Hazemaker Sifter box:
Yeah but in Cali or sumn, they say the middle east is like Iowa, and the far east is Maine yo!


Lady.J, I hope nobody trying to read your thread is red/green colorblind. Or any for that matter.
That would be a pisser, trying to comprehend. Just a thought, not a criticism. :)

Kronika, how you doin? I have made my own hash sifter out of a silk and a mason jar.
Hillbilly ghetto, I guess... But damn if it don't work. Its not fancy or nothing.(although with a little decoupage, it could be :) )

Gonna try and finish sealing my new solar oven/dehydrator/smoker and insulating it tonight or the am.
Yeah but in Cali or sumn, they say the middle east is like Iowa, and the far east is Maine yo!


Lady.J, I hope nobody trying to read your thread is red/green colorblind. Or any for that matter.
That would be a pisser, trying to comprehend. Just a thought, not a criticism. :)

Kronika, how you doin? I have made my own hash sifter out of a silk and a mason jar.
Hillbilly ghetto, I guess... But damn if it don't work. Its not fancy or nothing.(although with a little decoupage, it could be :) )

Gonna try and finish sealing my new solar oven/dehydrator/smoker and insulating it tonight or the am.

Hi hon. I could be better. I have an awful cold - stuffy and feverish with a serious case of hives to boot. :(

How are you? Been lecturing any rabbits lately? lol

I like the silk/mason jar setup. I'm all for hillbilly ghetto so that's certainly an option I will consider. A little Sharpie art, a few Hello Kitty stickers.. and voila! Functional and fashionable. (Yep, I'm a grown woman who loves Hello Kitty and I'm not ashamed of it.. okay, well, maybe a little.) ;)

Keep us updated on your thingamagigee!
Oh that sucks babe.. Have some homemade chicken soup! It's the bestest! Especially the way I make it..
Hope you get feeling better, it's bad enough to feel sicky, but hives?! Damn.. Sorry to hear. That's one I don't have a home remedy for, as I've never had hives. But I do know hat they are quite..distracting at the very least-and absolutely maddening at the other end. **crosses fingers you're at the distracted state**

No need to lecture the bunny as long as I blow him hits:). I discovered he loooooves it when you blow a big hash hit in his face. He leans in! And his little sniffer starts going overdrive.

He prolly got high as shit, eating over half of my LST'd Blueberry. Figured that smoking is best for he...

Get feeling better girl! Damn, don't make me tell you again! ;)
lol wut? Was thinking more like a Buddhist...

*'The East' usually refers to Asia / India....Pocahontas was Native American :lol:
"I know every rock and tree and creature, has a life, has a spirit, has a name." That was the basic gist of your post. So you is a sexy native american woman with silky hands.
"I know every rock and tree and creature, has a life, has a spirit, has a name." That was the basic gist of your post. So you is a sexy native american woman with silky hands.

lmao...well as long as sexy is in there, I won't argue with you ;)
Oh that sucks babe.. Have some homemade chicken soup! It's the bestest! Especially the way I make it..
Hope you get feeling better, it's bad enough to feel sicky, but hives?! Damn.. Sorry to hear. That's one I don't have a home remedy for, as I've never had hives. But I do know hat they are quite..distracting at the very least-and absolutely maddening at the other end. **crosses fingers you're at the distracted state**

No need to lecture the bunny as long as I blow him hits:). I discovered he loooooves it when you blow a big hash hit in his face. He leans in! And his little sniffer starts going overdrive.

He prolly got high as shit, eating over half of my LST'd Blueberry. Figured that smoking is best for he...

Get feeling better girl! Damn, don't make me tell you again! ;)

Haha.. stoner rabbits. I love it.

Thanks, hon. I'm feeling a bit better today. My fever broke sometime during the night and the hives are all but gone.

Oh, and aint nothing wrong with hello kitty.

Yeah, I'm secure with me, what?!

I love HK! I'm rocking a pair of Hello Kitty pajamas right now. :-P