Imagine if America was a dictatorship


Well-Known Member
We could...

1% of the population could control the nations wealth.

Help the rich get richer by cutting their taxes, and helping them out when they fuck it off by giving them bailouts.

Ignore the poors needs for healthcare and education.

The media could appear free, but would secretly be controlled by 1 person and his family.

Wiretap phones and torture foreign prisoners.

Have rigged elections.

Lie about why we go to war.

Fill our prisons with one racial group and no one could complain.

Use the media to scare the people into supporting policies that are against their own interests.


Well-Known Member
Assassinate people overseas without a trial.

Hold people in prisons in foreign land.

Pit people against one another with false left/right issues.

Argue about chicken sandwiches.


Well-Known Member
Kaendar Brilliant Thread but you make my head hurt it doesn't make sense! Brilliant logical deductions then....

Please dont tell the Joseph Smith story. Its too early to laugh that hard.
Why then do you feel Mary was 100% Honest? Inquiring minds...
Mary? Mary who?
The virgin mother.
Yo you didn't answer the Mary question. Why is she so credible? What makes her story so convincing to you and Josesph's (Smith) so hilarious?
dude! Will you answer my god damn question!?
Seriously the dude is so opinionated why doesn't he answer a simple question?

Please everyone continue I just need my head to stop spinning please one second?!
