first grow. 3 1/2 weeks into the trees.


Active Member
started germ 4/20ish. in the dirt on 4/25. fertilized with alaskan fish fert 1x/week. just started tiger bloom (2nd feeding today) 2x/week.

great white
kc 36



Active Member
6-8 hours. most of the direct light is in the afternoon. they get filtered light until about 12-1 then pretty much direct from then until 7


Active Member
how much direct sunlight are they getting??
i think i know where you were going with this. they are a little stretched. considering their surrounding im quite pleased with the results. i did go and trimm the palms this morning. its amazing how much they have grown in the last few weeks. i opened the canopy up quite a bit which allowed alot more light in.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry. They will fill out. My planting bed plants all just finished up their stretch and are entering flowering


Active Member
well, i do. i went out and bought some unsulphored molases today. ill start at 1tbsp/gallon 2x/week.


Active Member
there are some pics on page one. ill get some new pics today. the buds on the ams and great white are getting nasty. the church and kc36 are flowering too but look like they will finsish later than the other two.
s started them on ff tiger bloom last week and molases this week.