Colorado Medical Greenhouse


Active Member
Either you're a brainwashed sheeple or you're trolling like a mutha fucker. Why do you insist on being a wanna-b code enforcing pig. "it just gives mmj a bad name" open your eyes, this medical marijuana system is fucked up in too many ways; Having a plant limit is one of those ways. In reality the plant should be grown and consumed freely with no laws or harassment, but ignorant people like you aren't helping a damm thing. Now if like enforcing codes so much go to your nearest police academy or plan on joining the feds because people like you don't belong on this site. Go back drinking you're giving marijuana growers/lovers a bad name.


Well-Known Member
very nice orchard you got going there will have some fantastic buds ine a couple months here.....keep the good work up


Well-Known Member
so I'm wondering just what kind of debilitating condition both you and your girlfriend has that your doctor will be willing to go to court for , no need to answer, its not my business BUT I can't think of one condition you'd need 48 fucking plants gimmie a break man. And as for the affirmative defense that will be pricey. don't make this another california man.
The greedy fuck everything up. Not just MM. Push it to the limit until everybody gets nut-kicked.


Well-Known Member
People assume to much , open forum here so I'll only give up so much of my personal life. The big problem with Colorado mmj is that besides the dispensaries working , the patients don't fight or stand up for there rights. I for one will not ingest anything grown with pesticides and chemicals , and I'm here to tell you , if you think that a dispensary owner will let a crop go to waste because of mold or mites , yea right. They are going to use any and all chemicals know too man to eradicate there problem , it's all about cash. I grow once a year for a supply to get by all year, for myself and the people I care give for . I don't live in Cali where the weather is so nice, I hope every year that we don't get an early frost or snow.

Instead of talking shit on me , why don't you try to get to know me and my method of growing and living my life.


Well-Known Member
Cool, I'm in, sorry for the bad start. Now you say you use nothing chemical but you also say you use house and garden nutrient. Where these are "organically based" that term leaves me believing there may be something synthetic in there. And did you know that studies show more heavy metals in organically grown things than synthetic?
Tell me, what's the organic insecticides you run?


Well-Known Member
Cool, I'm in, sorry for the bad start. Now you say you use nothing chemical but you also say you use house and garden nutrient. Where these are "organically based" that term leaves me believing there may be something synthetic in there. And did you know that studies show more heavy metals in organically grown things than synthetic?
Tell me, what's the organic insecticides you run?
This is true.......doesn't matter though because I'm pretty sure he is gonna have some great pot in a couple months.......


Well-Known Member
you know what I'm going to go to DB's house with a 5Gal bucket of seed and dump it in on and around his/hers house so that in order for him/her to enter the house they will have to use a chain saw or machete...its a fucking plant just like if one decided to have 48 tomato bushes. Why have 12 bushes when you can have 48..I know I want more tomatoes since rats, caterpillars, birds, squirrels like them too...its a plant made by god or whom ever created us and all on this earth and who are you to judge whether or not they can grow a field or a puny 12 plant spread...exactly you have no right. Im put money on DB breaking the law countless amounts of times so who is he to complain about others.

Dont be jealous a kid has a better bike then you..either step up your game or STFU...its a plant and improves lives...if Colo wants to make a 3 lb blunt then he should be fucking able to

Stop drinking hateraide and get a life


Well-Known Member
I use safer for mildew, it's a spray consisting of garlic, sodium bicarbonate , and other plant based products . For pest control I use Azamax , manufactured by general hydroponics , comes from a tree, the azadactrin , I believe. I'm not claiming I do it the best , just trying to do it clean , as I don't want to knowingly poison myself . We all do what we can to grow pure , I'm just stating what I use so I can pass on knowledge and what has worked and what has not.

I just ran out of house and garden, switched to Aurora Innovations for the flowering stage. I'm also using sunleaves bat guano, some powder big swell, some fox farm nutes.

Now I can see this can open a debate , weather organic or chemical nutes are better and why. I personally like what I'm using and it's working great. Too each his own I say, happy growing. :)

Form the Azamax website.
AzaMax™ is a natural product with a broad spectrum of pest control and broad plant applications.
AzaMax is made from special Azadirachtin Technical extracted using patented extraction technology from Neem, a tree known for it’s innumerable benefits. AzaMax contains Azadirachtin A&B as active ingredients and more than 100 limonoids from it’s special technology. The special feature of AzaMax is that it does not use hard chemical solvents and uses food grade formulation ingredients. AzaMax is OMRI listed and licensed in all 50 states. (Not yet available in Canada.)

Using these nutes.
Buddha Bloom| 0.5–2–1
Roots Organics Buddha Bloom is a one part organic flowering nutrient formulated for potting soil and potting soilless gardens. Buddha Bloom is a proprietary blend of the finest organic ingredients specifically created to promote vigor, increase yields and enhance quality in potting soil grown plants during the flowering stage of their life. Worldwide sourcing and deliberate design extracted and condensed into an exceptional liquid blend targeted to encourage excellence from your plants.

Trinity| 0.1–0.5–0.25
Roots Organics Trinity bio-catalyst is a blend of select organic compounds designed for maximum effect as a catalyst for plant and rhizosphere nutrient uptake and growth. Trinity is a universal nutrient supplement that can substantially increase yields and enhance the highest quality production and flavor during the growth and bloom stages of your potting soil grown plants. Trinity is a distinctive formula of complex carbohydrates and soy protein extracts combined to encourage plant vigor, reduce stress, rapidly accelerate growth and substantially increase yields. Trinity can be used with any nutrient program for increased micronutrient uptake.

Indonesian Bat Guano (SIBG406)

Perfect for encouraging multiple blooms and hardy root growth, phosphorus-rich Sunleaves Indonesian Bat Guano is all natural and suitable for use indoors and out. Indonesian Bat Guano restores a natural balance in the garden without increasing soil salt content or acidity and is safe for use around people and pets.



Well-Known Member
You do realize that marijauna is going up for legalization this year in Colorado right ? Amendment 64 , regulate like alcohol act, but I guess your against that. Anyone over 21 can use then and grow 6 plants.

I do need 48 plant count or I wouldn't have it, you sir give mmj a bad name by posting remarks without merit .
how do you go thru that much weed???

using medibles.. last year I had a bit more over the limit but they were small and total yield was under 4lbs for sure..
but.. medibles make the stuff go faster esp if likemyself have a higher tolerance for it and cant always smoke when needed.

I am pretty sure EACH one of us here.. had the legality of growing been taken away.. we would all grow.

I dont bother with how many other people are growing and the reason is..
not MY problem.. I stay within the law myself and if others choose not too.. and they are not family.. not my issue..

edit to add...

there was a man here how had all his meds taken away (12 lbs) and got it all back after he went to court. (the same one I spent 15 years working at)
the lady in the Video (pruple shirt opening the door) I know here.. she takes care of all the evidence in the court.

love how he weighed it right there too!!


Well-Known Member
Ready to bloom? Tiger Bloom[SUP]®[/SUP] makes it happen. This is an ultra-potent, fast-acting, high-phosphorus fertilizer with just enough nitrogen to sustain healthy, vigorous green growth during flowering. The low pH keeps it stable and ensures that the micronutrients will be available when plants need them. In addition to containing critical trace minerals, we brew our liquid fertilizer with earthworm castings and kelp meal for a biologically active formula.


Well-Known Member
I've said before and I'll say again , I'm LEGAL for 48 , I can have a total of 96 plants and be legal, hence why the cops came and left 96 plants. I've been in this fight since the late 90's, been standing up for Coloradans right to grow and use. I'll deal with my own legal problems if and when they arise . Let's get back to growing and talking about strains and potential .


Well-Known Member
Ready to bloom? Tiger Bloom[SUP]®[/SUP] makes it happen. This is an ultra-potent, fast-acting, high-phosphorus fertilizer with just enough nitrogen to sustain healthy, vigorous green growth during flowering. The low pH keeps it stable and ensures that the micronutrients will be available when plants need them. In addition to containing critical trace minerals, we brew our liquid fertilizer with earthworm castings and kelp meal for a biologically active formula.
it's 2-8-4... super bloom (testing it this year.. and loving results.. ) is 12-55-6
1qt tiger bloom = 23$ super bloom 13$ pound

again I am testing it this year
start date 2-18-2012 week 26-27 now.
results after I started the use aprox 4-5 weeks ago..
homemade composted soil



Well-Known Member
you know what I'm going to go to DB's house with a 5Gal bucket of seed and dump it in on and around his/hers house so that in order for him/her to enter the house they will have to use a chain saw or machete...its a fucking plant just like if one decided to have 48 tomato bushes. Why have 12 bushes when you can have 48..I know I want more tomatoes since rats, caterpillars, birds, squirrels like them too...its a plant made by god or whom ever created us and all on this earth and who are you to judge whether or not they can grow a field or a puny 12 plant spread...exactly you have no right. Im put money on DB breaking the law countless amounts of times so who is he to complain about others.

Dont be jealous a kid has a better bike then you..either step up your game or STFU...its a plant and improves lives...if Colo wants to make a 3 lb blunt then he should be fucking able to

Stop drinking hateraide and get a life
jealous? I have every-fucking-thing I could want or need (including a job .....kid). Now I'm done being ridiculed on this fucking thread, NOBODY needs 48 plants. we'll be seeing you up on the news, until then , good luck and happy growing.
And btw you put your money on it, I stay within the laws.


Well-Known Member
jealous? I have every-fucking-thing I could want or need (including a job .....kid). Now I'm done being ridiculed on this fucking thread, NOBODY needs 48 plants. we'll be seeing you up on the news, until then , good luck and happy growing.
And btw you put your money on it, I stay within the laws.

^ Nice rebuttal, still assuming what you don't know and how far has this assumption gotten you in this thread?


Active Member
super bloom is synthetic though pretty sure. I tried it and it worked ok for yield but its not organic if it has no OMRI certification on the label. also tiger bloom has a higher ratio of K , potassium. Both have high phosphorous- SB twice as much N as K in the ratio, super bloom has more nitrogen


Well-Known Member
super bloom is synthetic though pretty sure. I tried it and it worked ok for yield but its not organic if it has no OMRI certification on the label. also tiger bloom has a higher ratio of K , potassium. Both have high phosphorous- SB twice as much N as K in the ratio, super bloom has more nitrogen
tiger bloom isn't organic either.