The UK Growers Thread!

hey yorkie forgot to ask you yesterday mate do you have a link or a site you could point me in the direction of regarding mushroom growing? I've read a couple of pf teks with shotgun terrariums but they were pretty much 2month turn arounds,
I'm not planning on growing them just like to have a read mate and could do with some reading material if you have it handy?
well that was fun....just got woken up with girl and the kids while laying with a fuckin monster sweaty hangover...first thing off she starts on me coz i was in the pub and had been that took half an hour of abuse then she notices there a few empty bottles strewn round the flat so she's certain ive had sum1 in the house with me after the pub......then she finds the ear-ring.
well that was fun....just got woken up with girl and the kids while laying with a fuckin monster sweaty hangover...first thing off she starts on me coz i was in the pub and had been that took half an hour of abuse then she notices there a few empty bottles strewn round the flat so she's certain ive had sum1 in the house with me after the pub......then she finds the ear-ring.

"Open book" I remember you saying. ;)

The ear-ring doesn't go in your favour though.
hey yorkie forgot to ask you yesterday mate do you have a link or a site you could point me in the direction of regarding mushroom growing? I've read a couple of pf teks with shotgun terrariums but they were pretty much 2month turn arounds,
I'm not planning on growing them just like to have a read mate and could do with some reading material if you have it handy?

PM me an Email addy and I'll send you everything I have. So far about 30 concise Teks (linked with hard photos) and 10 books including Shulgin's 'Tihkal',All in PDF format. ;)

The shortest turnaround is gonna be 4-6 ish weeks.
STILL no tent up for these,need to pull me finger out otherwise xmas is gonna be shit round Yorkies yard!

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Got baked and watched 'The Dictator' with the missus instead,that's a funny film. Some really edgy jokes that make you cringe at times but deviantly funny!

tell me about it bruv my xmas has been fucked up and for a change its nowt to do with me :)
supppose thats what happens wen u rely on folks

looking nice tho man :)

chedz PM

200mg pre-gabs--subbies and zimmmers anyone?? lemmi know no cash needed just reliability :P
tell me about it bruv my xmas has been fucked up and for a change its nowt to do with me :)
supppose thats what happens wen u rely on folks

looking nice tho man :)

chedz PM

200mg pre-gabs--subbies and zimmmers anyone?? lemmi know no cash needed just reliability :P

I saw u posted the other day m8 that u where gone the fuck outta here, was that just spare of the moment thing cos things ave went pear shaped for ye or what?
I saw u posted the other day m8 that u where gone the fuck outta here, was that just spare of the moment thing cos things ave went pear shaped for ye or what?

was fucked off matey.. let down BIG TIME diffrent if shoe was on other foot thing but anyways fuk it lifes to short,,, just on a promise that dint happen dont need to o into any details coz i cant be fucked tbh so scrambling now to try sort sum other shit for my xmas grow

hows ya babies looking yorkie?
when i worked we used trichloroethylene or something begining with trich anyway, dont think that would have been very good to use lol.
ill give it a go and see what i get. do you run it through more than once?

I fill the jar with bud them iso shake for 20 seconds then strain through some tights into a bowl pour the iso back into the jar add more bud and repeat until all buds or trim is used up then let it evaporate
I haven't tried but they should be well suited as they're both viney as fuck.

Well I got one of each that are 8weeks in veg and bushy as fuck, been using them for taking a load o clones off but I need the room for when the clones take off. Think I'm goina thro the two mothers to a m8s wer we been scrogging and scrogg these two, I think it'll be the best way to get the most outta them, there goina veg for another week or two and then thro them down to his to scrogg and flower them, should be a good un
wow im dumbfounded gotta be single men? coz i KNOW my wife wouldnt have any of this stuff, she wants it gone asap, if i said to her oh ima start making this n that shed be PISSED!
so howd u get round the wifes to let u do this shit,,plz tell
They're on the page before,not bad.

Tip from the top,'Plagron' soil doesn't come buffered to the right PH like the bag says it does. Water in @ 6.5 and out @ 5.9!

i never read the bag! i buy them coco briks and break them down with ph water job done :)

billy i messaged u otherday u ignornet muffin!