2012 Multi-Strain Organic Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
Hello, this years grow will be my first attempt at growing outdoors. I have a couple indoor grows under my belt but nothing too spectacular. I'm starting this grow log long after I started growing so we'll have to play a little catch-up. I'll start with the basics: I have 12 female plants (originally 14 but two sexed male), all of them are being grown completely organically, and are planted into a mixture of mushroom compost, soil, and bat guano. This is a legal medical grow in Cali. I have Cherry AK x 1, Sour Diesel x 1, GDP x 1, NorCal Purple x 1, Unknown (either NorCal Purple or Trainwreck X Sour D) x 1, Medical Bagseed x 7. I planted the first 7 plants on 4/19 and added more plants twice throughout the grow, but we will get to that a little later, first a couple teaser pictures:

Picture of the garden showing most of the girls:
View attachment 2289252

The GDP is probably the healthiest and highest yielding out of everything this year.
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Shot of the Norcal Purple
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That's all for now, I'll post again soon getting everyone up to speed on the grow so far. Don't be afraid to comment even if its just to stop by and say hi, or ask a question.

- Snocap


Well-Known Member
Looks great.. Nice garden too..
the more I see different strains mentioned the more I realize I have not even had a 1% of them tried yet.

Did have a sample of some GDP about a year ago.. (along with snowcap) the snowcap was good too mediciny for my taste..

GDP.. looked pretty but lacked in taste.. (not a reflection on the plant just that one)


Well-Known Member
How can you tell which one is the highest yielding so already or even "so far"
If you have a strain you have never grown before, you want to look at the node spacing and flowering sites. You want to see how vigorous of a grower it is.


Well-Known Member
@ FarmerJJ

Thanks man, the feedback is much appreciated!

@ Codster25

I guess you can't know 100% until you harvest and weigh it all, but I am basing my assumption on the node spacing, the number of bud sites, the number of main colas, and the overall vigor of the plant. As Gioua pointed out, research and first hand knowledge of the strain helps immensely. However I have done no previous research this is all based on observation. My GDP plant has probably 2-3 times as many bud sites as the other plants, an inter-nodal length half or one quarter as long as the next most promising plant, and takes up an area the same size as the next two largest plants combined, so I'm pretty confident saying it will turn out to be the highest yielder although I can't be positive.

@ Gioua & Kaendar

Thanks for stopping in and sharing some of your knowledge, and check back soon, I'll be updating this thread pretty regularly!


Well-Known Member
On Day 1 (5/19)I planted 12 medical bag seeds straight into soil the first seedlings began to pop up 7 days later and the last of 7 popped up on the 9th day. These were to be my reserve plants in case something happened to the clones I hoped to buy from the MMJ dispensaries. But when I went to buy, they were all sold out of clones and desperately looking for more. So I ended up using all 7 of the seedlings.

#1-6 (7 didn't pop up until the day after I took the photo's)
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On Day 24 (6/11) I added 3 more plants to the garden (clones purchased from a friend). The first was small Cherry AK plant, the second was a a scrawny root bound Sour Diesel plant, and the third was a slightly larger and fuller GDP plant. I elected to use the LST technique to mold the plants to the space I had available to them.

#8 Cherry AK
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#9 Sour Diesel
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#10 GDP

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And here is a picture of #1-7's progress so far:
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On Day
27 (6/14) I began to LST plants #4-7. I also checked up on the clones.

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#8 the Cherry AK clone has reacted to the LST and is already bushing up and re orienting itself.
View attachment 2290298

#9 the Sour Diesel suffered an injury due to the LST, its stem was bent and creased due to the LST, this stunted its growth but the plant did not yellow or wilt so I believe it is still capable of transferring a sufficient amount of water and nutrients up the plant.
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#10 the GDP responded very well to the LST and bushed up significantly in just a couple days!
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That's all for now, but I will post another update as soon as I have the time. Thanks for tuning in!


Well-Known Member
On day 28 (6/15) I continued to LST plants #8-10 (the Cherry AK, Sour D, and GDP clones), and decided to top plant #1. I was hoping to kill two birds with one stone, first, influence the plant to have two main cola's and bush, and second, to cut the top fan leaves off which had developed black tar like spots which I later discovered were scales (I very small pest).

Here are a couple pictures of the topped #1 plant and the rest of the seedlings
View attachment 2291635View attachment 2291636


Well-Known Member
On day 44 (7/1) My friend kindly donated 4 of his extra plants to me, 1 Norcal Purple, 1 Unknown, 2 Trainwreck x Sour Diesel. The sex of the plants was unknown at the time.

#11 Norcal Purple

#12 Unknown

#13-14 Trainwreck x Sour D


Well-Known Member
On day 45 (7/2) I transplanted all of the seedlings and continued to LST the clones and started to LST the new plants my friend gave to me.

Here is a picture of the main part of the garden on day 45. Lookers left is #10 GDP, center front is #11 Purple, center back is #12 unknown, right front is #8 Cherry AK, right back is #9 Sour Diesel, beyond the scope of the picture, to the top right, are plants #13-14 Trainwreck x Sour D.

Here are some pictures of the recently transplanted seedlings #1-7:






#6 & 7

After this a lot went on with the grow but I didn't really keep track of it due to a lack of interest in the grow journal forum so between day 45 and now (Day 87) I have very few pictures. HOWEVER I have lots to fill everyone in about and new pictures showing 40 more days of growth!


Well-Known Member
On day 85 (8/12) I took pictures of the plants for the first time in 40 days. A lot has happened in those 40 days. First, the plants showed sex! ALL of the 7 seedlings turned out to be female, and two of the plants my friend donated were female as well (#12-13), with the 3 clones that makes 12 female plants! Next, the GDP is a healthy and vigorous plant and has outgrown its space and grown VERY bushy. I have been trying to prune this plant as much as I can but I let it go too long its a huge chore which I am about to undertake. The Purple and Unknown Strain (#12-13) have grown very vigorously but have long distances between nodes. Last, all plants have been transplanted into the ground.

Now for the pictures:







