Help.....gophers!!! Wtf?


Well-Known Member
Go to hd or lowes and hit the traps section. I have used the smoke bombs, traps with lil success. I am using a castor oil product this week and I can see new gopher holes on the perimeter of my garden like they are moving out. Supposedly they hate the smell.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I got those thing u bury partially in the groud and they vibrat and make noise. Well they don't work either


Well-Known Member
You can also cut the bottom out of your continer and bury it. It totally thwarts the gophers. A small animal fence usually keeps them out. I haven't lost a plant in a few years using a combination of these methods.


Well-Known Member
smokem out w what n how?
Regular old road flares may be cheaper than the commercial smoke bombs.
It's the sulphur smoke that kills the rodents.
Take a flare, cut it into 4 or 5 pieces, depending if you get the 10 minute or 20 minute ones. It doesn't take much, just 3" or so, so thqat you can hold one end and light it with a propane torch.


Well-Known Member
I use these bombs made for agriculture use. I killed 14 last year with traps and water hoses and this year we only got 2. also next year prep out and make rings out of chicken wire and line your holes.


Active Member
put a hose in the hole load up ur 12g and turn on the hose and wait at the other end and blow him to peaces.......its the hill billy way


Well-Known Member
they make poison bait worms, you poke a hole in the tunnel and slip them in. You could also buy a 22. calb. rifle and a twelve pack a PBR and sit there all day till u see em' get em son!!!!


Well-Known Member
Get a gun and shoot them? thats what i do. or if i can sneak some explosives from work ill stick some Fertilizer bomb down that hole.