Banning = boring

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Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
UB got banned?
Was it Kaendar related?
Either that or he made another thread with pictures of his cock in it. Dude had a ton of cock pictures and was just posting them left and right, he even asked if anyone wanted his cock. :shock: He said he gave it to an asian man, that's waaayy too much info.


Well-Known Member
Well then you can't play in my thread !
I've got news for you, Doll.

This is not YOUR thread.

You started it, nothing more.

If you think otherwise, then try to kick me off YOUR thread. lol

If that's too much effort, a mere demonstration of your ownership should do.

Close the thread, just for a little while. :-P


Well-Known Member
So...what does it take to get banned from this site exactly? and what does banned mean exactly? banned forever or what?
I started getting this spam captcha thing alot that I used to not get someone trying to report my posts as spam or something...? because if that is the case, than I know just who to blame for my annoying captcha screens.
oh no here we go again you do realize that I am the one who will get in trouble for your nosy questions !?


Weed Modifier
ive never had an infraction or warning? just have to chose your battles wisely ;) and don't break the rules!:-Plol


Well-Known Member
Yeah but I didn't try to hide the color of my socks! Everyone knew who was wearing them... NGG2 and NGG3 got banned and the ban on NGG was over. Don't know why, but I really am much nicer in person! That troll side just comes out when these fingers start pecking away.
lol, me too. I made an account with the username "Super mario".. Obvious. I got one post in though before chiceh hit me with the ban hammer haha.


Well-Known Member
Either that or he made another thread with pictures of his cock in it. Dude had a ton of cock pictures and was just posting them left and right, he even asked if anyone wanted his cock. :shock: He said he gave it to an asian man, that's waaayy too much info.
he had to be on crack.....crazy

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
lol, me too. I made an account with the username "Super mario".. Obvious. I got one post in though before chiceh hit me with the ban hammer haha.
LOL one post. Didn't that one guy who got banned for being 17 make a new account with the same avatar and a very similar name get more posts off than that before ban? I remember you were like dude stfu and delete your post, he got banned then like the next day introduced himself again lol.


Well-Known Member
LOL one post. Didn't that one guy who got banned for being 17 make a new account with the same avatar and a very similar name get more posts off than that before ban? I remember you were like dude stfu and delete your post, he got banned then like the next day introduced himself again lol.
Are you talking about stoner1997 or something like that? He was a cool dude.. Dumb, but cool lol. So he got the ban hammer afterall?

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
Are you talking about stoner1997 or something like that? He was a cool dude.. Dumb, but cool lol. So he got the ban hammer afterall?
I dunno man, I haven't seen him around. It was super obvious that it was him with a new account I just thought he got banned again lol.
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