Fungus? Mold? Help please! Need advice


Well-Known Member
So I have some strawberries in coco in the humidity dome with my babies and I was checking everything today and saw this on the side of the strawberries! DSCN2283.jpg Is this a fungus or mold I should be deathly worried or afraid of? I sprayed them with some natural fungicide do you think that will help?

Also If my MJ babies are in the same Hum dome will they be affected by this also? They are on the clear other side of the dome.


Well-Known Member
No one has any insight on this or knows what it is? No one can even just take an educated guess?


Well-Known Member
So I have some strawberries in coco in the humidity dome with my babies and I was checking everything today and saw this on the side of the strawberries! View attachment 2289838 Is this a fungus or mold I should be deathly worried or afraid of? I sprayed them with some natural fungicide do you think that will help?

Also If my MJ babies are in the same Hum dome will they be affected by this also? They are on the clear other side of the dome.
Mold. Other plants under the same dome have obviously been exposed. Whether mold develops on them or not is another question. Mold is unsightly and molds can be dangerous to humans. Usually the spores are inhaled and cause respiratory problems if disease-causing to humans. See "Black mold" on Wiki. And I know it's not black mold but mold is mold as far as environment even if not in toxicity.


Well-Known Member
Okay I will take the top off the dome and let things dry up I sprayed some sns natural fungicide last night and all the white webbing is gone so I think I killed all the immediately visible mold. I have nothing developing on my MJ babies right now and I pray nothing does develope.
I have used liquid NEEM with good results at killing mold.... definately need to let the soil dry up a bit though or you will never get rid of the stuff.