Obamacare is not a socialist system. As was pointed out in this thread, it originated from a conservative think tank, The Heritage Foundation. You can find a link to it in this thread. The socialist healthcare system is single payer.
I suspect that you are confusing socialism with something else. Perhaps like beenthere, you're mixing it up with communism because I'm not sure which parts of the constitution socialism would violate. Remember that the French Constitution is based off of ours and they're socialist. The idea that the socialists would be strung up is ridiculous. You do realize that our progressive income tax, public schools, social security, medicare, medicaid, and most labor laws are all socialist, right? You're already living in a socialist country. It's just less socialist than the European and Scandinavian countries.
But the merits of socialism isn't the point. The point is the Democrats and Republicans have both become more authoritarian than most of the third parties in this country. As a result, if civil liberties are important to you, you'll find yourself agreeing with Libertarians, the Green Party, and the Democratic Socialists more than you would the Democrats and Republicans.
I point to Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. There was a rumor that if Paul got the nomination, he might have picked Dennis as his running mate. That would have been pretty close to a Libertarian/Socialist ticket.
Yes, I'm fully aware that there are socialistic practices present in the USA, that have existed throughout the history of this country, and yes I'm aware they have helped to aid in making this country great, depending on the specific program.
If you're not sure which parts of the constitution pure socialism would violate, there is not much to discuss with you on the subject, as socialism in it's purest form would irrefutably find an obligation in violating the constitution, for it's own sake of existence.
The health-care mandate does violate the constitution whether you want to acknowledge it or not. The funny thing is that the supreme court, and all the pro-socialists use the guise of taxation under the premise of "the state's welfare", to justify it's blatant violation of the constitution.
When you violate a constitutional law, and then place the validity of that violation under the false pretense of another law, you still have violated law. Simply said, the government can not force you to purchase a product, as clearly stated in the constitution. Yet the government and it's socialist supporters are agreeing with the fallacy, that they can force you to purchase a product under the pretense of a "tax". Breaking laws to establish laws, is absolute hypocrisy. Argue against this as you wish, but you're just advocating what ultimately amounts to ignorance and hypocrisy.
What's next? An indefinite, yearly taxation on firearms because they cause expensive hospital visits? They could easily slap such a tax under the same pretense of "the state's welfare". Guess what, it's a violation and infringement on the second amendment. Do you see how such "laws" are not really laws? They are illegal, and nothing more, thus they are not laws at all. As such they should be dismissed before ever entering the realm of a courtroom, to be decided on.
With the "socialists being strung up and and executed" comment, sure it was ridiculous because let's face it, treason is not something that's punished for anymore in this country. People think it's too harsh to execute someone for their mis-duties against their own citizens. The fact is, it's not harsh at all, society is just becoming softer to the reality of repercussions and their intended use.
Many socialist policies would, do, and will continue to violate constitutional law, as well as human-rights. When you violate humans-rights you should be executed, regardless of the constitution. Do you know anything about the UN and their disarmament policies they have set forth on, beginning in 1961? That is a socialist program, and it's foundation is built of a complete violation of human-rights. Not only is disarming the world's civilians of their firearms a human-rights violation, it's a constitutional violation as well if the policy were to be executed on this land (the USA).
Socialism in it's true essence, is a malignant, destructive force, cloaked through the facade of "doing good". Those who are unable to understand that, are simply the most blind form of human-beings on the planet, as they are essentially agreeing to destroy man, through the pretense of "taking care of one another". It's an absolute paradox.