Banning = boring

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Ursus marijanus
You're right about the correlation, but it's not always his fault. Sometimes others bring up kaendar and poke fun at him in threads that he hasn't even been in. I think everybody should chill out and not take this nigga talk so seriously lol. (not aimed at you btw).
I've seen whereof you speak, but ime that was not the usual way it happened, but rather an exception. As for the other ... cn



Well-Known Member
I dont think you can troll in the realm of blatant racism. Thats crossing the line.. there is no joking about calling black ppl the "N" word.. Thats like running over an old lady with a semi and laughing about it.
Except the old lady is dead, while the other guy just got called a name...but close.


Ursus marijanus
Except the old lady is dead, while the other guy just got called a name...but close.
Dissenting opinion. It's not close. One is physical harm; the other is a cussword.

What really shows the metaphor's uselessness is that no matter the race of the person driving the truck, the outcome would be the same. cn


Well-Known Member
Cant there be just one thread that can go on without someone being or saying racist things??? Its fuckin 2012, we arent picking cotton fo our massas down at the plantation..
I have read through thousands of non racist posts on here...and thousands of non racist threads, but whether we are talking about quarter horses or the price of shoes in Iraq when you get on a thread it somehow becomes a battle against race and homosexuality...It doesn't cease to confound me...


Well-Known Member
Lets just leave at this.. ALL human beings originated from Africa and the middle east, so if any body is racist towards blacks, they are just hating something that is charging thru their veins this very moment. But, I guess it does take someone that incredibly stupid to be racist.
first of all regardless of what your bible tells you we originated from africa. then we spread to europe an into the middle east an onward east till we got over into asian an then into america. now since you oddly see that the human race started in the fuck could it racism instead of what it really should be called which is stupidity. WE ARE ALL THE FUCKIN SAME there is no such thing as race just the different skin color due to where you lived on the earth geographically. nothin is different in any "race" in an anatomical perspective. its not like blacks have a different heart than whites, mexicans, native americans,(side note i dont use the word indian cause the mass murder columbus dubbed native americans indians so fuck all that) asians or any other organs or veins as you pointed out.

the only difference between us is the differences we label on ourselves. we're not black, white, or any other color we're all HUMANS. an until we realize this "race" aka stupidity will still be in our civilization. the person that thinks there is such a thing as "racism" is imo way dumber than the ones that are "racists" because you think you're smart enough to be above it yet you're too dumb to realize even tho you're not "racist" an you fight it you feed the existence of the dumb shit. atleast the ones shoutin derogatory names to another based on skin color is all around retarded.

final statement you're incredibly stupid to see it as "racism" an instead of sayin poor my "race" we've been thru this an dealt with that fuckin wise up an realize that no matter what color rose to dominance first they would have done the same shit white ppl did cause its human nature.
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