Stop buying from grow shops

Well hopefully HB0030 passes and we will be a legal state.
Reading this thread has me a lil nervous since I just hit the store in cresthill...but I was all over and wasn't followed and truck is registered to a company in texas. Nice to know theres a few locals.. I just picked up some 180watt LED fixture from a guy off ....well lets say close to Homan and Franklin blvrd.

I was a lil out of place in the area but a nice cheap score for my TV build.
Well hopefully HB0030 passes and we will be a legal state.
Reading this thread has me a lil nervous since I just hit the store in cresthill...but I was all over and wasn't followed and truck is registered to a company in texas. Nice to know theres a few locals.. I just picked up some 180watt LED fixture from a guy off ....well lets say close to Homan and Franklin blvrd.

I was a lil out of place in the area but a nice cheap score for my TV build.

thats the hood..... i dont even be over

but i dont suggest going to any grow stores... after reading this artical... i now know that its true what i have felt all along, and that old brew and grow spot.. i never really liked there attatudes, but maybe it was just me....i would say 95% of my shit i get from homedepot....and the shit works for me ... im a d.i.y'er anyways....... im sooo fucking glad the blew the cover in this story... it seem like this was a heads up, by the "chicago reader'' people to expose dirty tactics used by cops. against grow ops.... ..... personally i dont even buy online, but im just scared... you guys keep doing what you want... i know how to read between the line...... STOP SHOPING AT GROW SHOPS........ rather the tactic used by the cops are legal or not... the facts are they are doing it and this would be there 5 bust made by folloing people from brew and grow..... they might even be in on it, who knows..... but if youre growing pot, dont go in to shop.......
You see, these are the very reasons NOT to be in a hurry. I bought a huge amount of hardware in two different states in April and May.
I will begin my first grow in February, unless things change. The grow will take place in another person's house and we'll cut as much electricity as possible (unplug fridge at night) and run lights only at night. Even then there will be a spike in electricity, so we will run the lights for 3 months prior to the grow to see what the spike will be.
We will never email or talk on the cell phones about it.

I have a friend who has broken every rule there is about secrecy and hasn't been caught in over two years. We have a pool running as to when he will get caught. Our plan is to make multiple trips with less than 28g including the bag and to supply 4 people I've known over 20 years each.

Even with all that pre-planning it's a huge risk and I understand that. The only thing anyone would find in my house is a pipe, less than an ounce, and maybe some beans if they look real close. It'll be a 4 plant perpetual harvest in a GL240 and GL145 with 2 600w bulbs and air-cooled reflectors, 2 250w CFL, with reflectors, and a T-5 system for lighting and tenting. I have a portable A/C and fans and filter for exhaust. It won't be any more than 2 strains at a time with LST prolly using GrapeGod, Chernobyl, Bubblicious, and maybe Critical+...still figuring that out.
ya most grow shops will charge more but they do have more costs too overhead and such and some folks .... mostly old timers dont use the good old interweb so they need shops like this to be around :D
I get all my shit from a grow shop if you are so stupid as to be followed home by the cops then you need to be busted if you put evedince in the trash then you need to be busted.
Only stupid people get busted man the guy in the story not only gets followed home the cop sits on the street and watches his home man the car must have stuck out like a sore thumb.
If i see a car in my street that i don't know i wtch the fuker now the cop was watching his house from the car.Man somone sitting in a car on your street for more than a hour you gonna ask why?
Shit the junkie over the street from me got busted about a week and a half ago even i saw the police whatching him as soon as the car poped up in the street i clocked it.
It sat there for about two hours no one got out of it eather gona be the DSS or the police the next day a van pops up sits there from about 10am till 2pm.
Boath of them sat at the end of the street could not help but see them for what they were cops i shit my self thought it could be me they were watching but i am very cearful.
When i got to my grow shop i get the bus as i don't drive always take my rucksac to put all my shit in when i get of the bus to get home always have a smoke at the bus stop just to see who is about.
People actually shop at Grow shops?? I go to the nurseries or local hardware stores........I only go to grow shops for specific things........which is quite rare
I mainly just wanted to check it out since I handnt been there in a few years since I bought a bag of hydroton.
You see, these are the very reasons NOT to be in a hurry. I bought a huge amount of hardware in two different states in April and May.
I will begin my first grow in February, unless things change. The grow will take place in another person's house and we'll cut as much electricity as possible (unplug fridge at night) and run lights only at night. Even then there will be a spike in electricity, so we will run the lights for 3 months prior to the grow to see what the spike will be.
We will never email or talk on the cell phones about it.

I have a friend who has broken every rule there is about secrecy and hasn't been caught in over two years. We have a pool running as to when he will get caught. Our plan is to make multiple trips with less than 28g including the bag and to supply 4 people I've known over 20 years each.

Even with all that pre-planning it's a huge risk and I understand that. The only thing anyone would find in my house is a pipe, less than an ounce, and maybe some beans if they look real close. It'll be a 4 plant perpetual harvest in a GL240 and GL145 with 2 600w bulbs and air-cooled reflectors, 2 250w CFL, with reflectors, and a T-5 system for lighting and tenting. I have a portable A/C and fans and filter for exhaust. It won't be any more than 2 strains at a time with LST prolly using GrapeGod, Chernobyl, Bubblicious, and maybe Critical+...still figuring that out.

if the guy who you guys a betting on gets caught trust he will rat all of you out.. for a reduced sentince...... .... i can hear him right now....... "wait, what if i tell you guys about other bigger grows"

- just be safe dawg
in the artical .. they were also growing off site

I get all my shit from a grow shop if you are so stupid as to be followed home by the cops then you need to be busted if you put evedince in the trash then you need to be busted.
Only stupid people get busted man the guy in the story not only gets followed home the cop sits on the street and watches his home man the car must have stuck out like a sore thumb.
If i see a car in my street that i don't know i wtch the fuker now the cop was watching his house from the car.Man somone sitting in a car on your street for more than a hour you gonna ask why?
Shit the junkie over the street from me got busted about a week and a half ago even i saw the police whatching him as soon as the car poped up in the street i clocked it.
It sat there for about two hours no one got out of it eather gona be the DSS or the police the next day a van pops up sits there from about 10am till 2pm.
Boath of them sat at the end of the street could not help but see them for what they were cops i shit my self thought it could be me they were watching but i am very cearful.
When i got to my grow shop i get the bus as i don't drive always take my rucksac to put all my shit in when i get of the bus to get home always have a smoke at the bus stop just to see who is about.
com'on man lets not turn into monday night quarterbacks
you can never be too safe... and they grow in a non legal city
the cops where in plain cloths and in unmaked cars....
and who looks out side there window, from there condo tring to remimber every car.. on a buzy chicago street .... pluss he was a weed smoker
true fact you "MIGHT" do all of that... but everyone can get got ... when you live the life we live, you can never be to safe
even being on this site is a chink in the armour... if you are as paranoid as you make a caim to.. then you would never even be on a site like this.......
anyways.. everyone breaks rule 1... and if you tell me you dont, im telling you , you do.... there's someone you told about your grow... you've shown someone.....
if the guy who you guys a betting on gets caught trust he will rat all of you out.. for a reduced sentince...... .... i can hear him right now....... "wait, what if i tell you guys about other bigger grows"

- just be safe dawg
in the artical .. they were also growing off site

Appreciate the warning, but my friend is the one in jeopardy. He has no ideas of my plans. I set up his distribution network for him and that's it. If I get popped it's my ace in the hole if it gets rough............
So then you shop at grow shops.
No I don't. I have never bought anything from a grow shop......Everything I am growing with now is from a nursery or hardware store.....I have been to grow shops......You don't really need all the bullshit they are selling you. The only thing I would buy from the grow shop is potassium silicate......But still not necessary.
People actually shop at Grow shops?? I go to the nurseries or local hardware stores........I only go to grow shops for specific things........which is quite rare

]No I don't. I have never bought anything from a grow shop[/B]......Everything I am growing with now is from a nursery or hardware store.....I have been to grow shops......You don't really need all the bullshit they are selling you. The only thing I would buy from the grow shop is potassium silicate......But still not necessary.

lol.. it just seemed like you talking out the side of your nott saying you are,,, but if you read it im sure you would see why some people were like what is he talking bout... all you can do is really laugh.......
No I don't. I have never bought anything from a grow shop......Everything I am growing with now is from a nursery or hardware store.....I have been to grow shops......You don't really need all the bullshit they are selling you. The only thing I would buy from the grow shop is potassium silicate......But still not necessary.

Up here in the 'Stan the only source for good soil is the local hydro shop. It's also nice to window-shop the nutes and ferts and nertz and fewts. :) cn
its sort of ironic, Chigago is the criminal capital of the world. more twisted, degenerate political fucks come from Chicago than anywhere else. My suggestion is to move.
I make other people do runs for, I am connect to a medium size network of other growers, They always ask me if I need anything when they go works perfectly for me. Internet also plays a large role. Why make a trip when you can get it sent to a friends house
I make other people do runs for, I am connect to a medium size network of other growers, They always ask me if I need anything when they go works perfectly for me. Internet also plays a large role. Why make a trip when you can get it sent to a friends house
Networks can become the biggest nightmare out there, COPS like to show networks of individuals as ORGANIZED!

ya, your probly right, i was actually jus being a smart ass. err well, maybe not so smart... lol.

I jus know rico has something to do with organized crime. Id look it up, but i dont really care enough at the moment.