start veg in 6" pots ??


what the title says. can i start vegging 4 plants in 6" pots & veg for 4 weeks ?

then switch to 10" pots veg for another week then flower?

veg space 1ft 10" height , 1ft 4" width , 1ft 2" length Light = only 1 t5 48w

flower space 4x4x6 with 1 600w hps

will it work semi well? lol


Well-Known Member
what the title says. can i start vegging 4 plants in 6" pots & veg for 4 weeks ?

then switch to 10" pots veg for another week then flower?

veg space 1ft 10" height , 1ft 4" width , 1ft 2" length Light = only 1 t5 48w

flower space 4x4x6 with 1 600w hps

will it work semi well? lol
Sounds reasonable. Tiny veg space but better than nothing. Have to ask - what's going on in that intended flower space right now? If you don't have any growing already why not use that for the whole run and start a second run in a couple months in that little veg space? Just wondering.


Sounds reasonable. Tiny veg space but better than nothing. Have to ask - what's going on in that intended flower space right now? If you don't have any growing already why not use that for the whole run and start a second run in a couple months in that little veg space? Just wondering.
yeah just tryna see what i can do with that small veg space.

but i prolly will use the flower space for the whole 1st run. any suggestions with that? like what size pots to start from & go up to ?
im only tryna veg for 4-5 weeks, i want to harvest around 3 month seed to harvest.


Active Member
i usually go from solo cups for seedlings, to 1 gallon for vegging, to 5 gallon for flowering (last week of vegging is in the 5 gal to not cause too much stress before inducing). your amount of flowering time depends mostly on the strain, but you should be able to get pretty close to a 3 month goal with one month of veg


Well-Known Member
You won't be able to keep them in 6-inch pots for 4 weeks, I don't think. I use 4-inchers and they are "rooted up"
after 14-17 days. Seems like a 6-incher shouldn't take twice as long, but I'm guessing here.

Your veg space is slightly more than one square foot. I don't see how you can veg for 4 weeks in a space that tiny.
Don't even bother with that veg space. Do the entire grow in the 4 x 4 x 6 room. Veg her for 5 weeks or so and switch to 12/12
to finish.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Active Member
For now they are fine. I go from Solo, to 1 gallon milk jug (drilled with with 1'4 inch holes on bottom and one per side).
Then I just cut off the bottom of the jug and place in soil.
They don't get shocked in any way and the top part of the jug holds 2 inches of water at a time when watering.