Disabled Vet with leukemia looking for Northern CA area to live and grow


To itsaplant,

Yes you are right they will remove you from some programs such as transplant and possibly pain mainagment, and other meds its at the doctors descretion but there has been policy shift at the VA to change this but its the VA so shit happens slow.
But at this point the shit is no longer working for me so I dont really care what they do to me its not improving my life anyways.

And thanks for all the information and well wishes everyone.


I know little or nothing more then that, he had been taken off the liver transplant list when he used cannabis for his suffering.
People are removed from the liver transplant list because of a perceived danger of Aspergillus mold exposure.


Well-Known Member
I live in a small retirement town in N. Calif. gets a little cold here in the winter but housing is cheap- about $800 per month for a 2 bed house.
Theres growers within a rocks throw from me all legal. And there's Redding and Reno for the VA Hospital.
Let me know I might be able to hook you up with a ride to the Hospital for your appts. thru the VFW here. Veitnam 71-75.


Hey Dirtsurfr,

I tried ot send ya a message did you get it?

Was wondering if yo ucould send me the name of the town in private message.
And would anyone up ther be ok wiht renting and having me growing in a rental I dont want to get evicted.


Well-Known Member
I have a decent place for rent and I am prop 215 friendly, it is outside the city of Stockton ca 95204 2bd 1 bath @ $900 month hit me up if interested.


Well-Known Member
just from a growing stand point a county like santa cruz is alot better for indoor growers due to the county law of 99plants or 100sq ft per medical card which gives you a heck of alot more free reign indoors than the 6 mature and 12 immature does
not to mention the county is insanely relaxed about growing.


Well-Known Member
I'm still looking around but if it boils down to it I'll give you some #s up here to ask.
I'm thinking a Realtor and just ask for any clients they have theres alot of empty homes up here.


I probably need to wait until my next VA disability claim goes through which should hopefully be within the next 6 months is what they are telling me.
Been waiting over a year now on it.
As soon as that clears I will find out if they give me a higher disability rating which means more money and a easier time of making it out there.
So I will keep checking on these threads gathering information from all you kind souls out there and hopefully everything is going to work out good.

I would just love to be able to be off some of these damn medications and hopefully getting a better outlook on life in generally but I want to get all my ducks in a row first before I make the move somewhere.
Plus I find out in October if new chemotherapy treatment is working if not well none of it probably matters anyways then LOL.


Well-Known Member
Where do you live now? I understand the draw of a nonprohibition state however it isn't so dandy here as some think... sometimes a covert op in a prohibition state where they aren't so much on alert is the best way esp on a small fixed income. Or, you could move to somewhere like ME, been thinking of a summer residence there myself- hella cheap to buy acres and acres, outdoor growing conditions optimal for summer season and they honor other state's medical cards... just saying


well I live with my ex-wife which is not a choice it was the only option I had at the time hehe. That or be homeless and I did think about homeless LOL.
I cannot grow at my ex-wifes house or use it there.

I have been looking at colorado also colorado springs to be specific but I am not set on anything on this point Im just seeing what my options are so any information I can gather is helping me out.
And it really has to be a MMJ legal state I go the VA hospital and medical marijuana and the VA is a very tricky thing the closer I can to being as legal as possible is the only way I am going to be able to do this and still stay with the VA.
Which I have to do my medications are as close to experimental as you can get talking $6000 a month just in chemo costs that doesnt include any of the fancy genetic testing I receive every 4-6 months also along with other health issues I have.
Even when I was still trying to work and be on treament at the same time I went broke with good insurance I went through $10000 in less then year just in copays and then had a nice nervous breakdown after being told I need to leave my job and go on disability.
So now to sick to work and on disability I have no other options for treatment and must stay legal with everything.


Well-Known Member
well I live with my ex-wife which is not a choice it was the only option I had at the time hehe. That or be homeless and I did think about homeless LOL.
I cannot grow at my ex-wifes house or use it there.

I have been looking at colorado also colorado springs to be specific but I am not set on anything on this point Im just seeing what my options are so any information I can gather is helping me out.
And it really has to be a MMJ legal state I go the VA hospital and medical marijuana and the VA is a very tricky thing the closer I can to being as legal as possible is the only way I am going to be able to do this and still stay with the VA.
Which I have to do my medications are as close to experimental as you can get talking $6000 a month just in chemo costs that doesnt include any of the fancy genetic testing I receive every 4-6 months also along with other health issues I have.
Even when I was still trying to work and be on treament at the same time I went broke with good insurance I went through $10000 in less then year just in copays and then had a nice nervous breakdown after being told I need to leave my job and go on disability.
So now to sick to work and on disability I have no other options for treatment and must stay legal with everything.
Well, I do hope something works out for you. imho the poster from the retirement community way NorCal is the best :peace: