Active Member
What are your res temps on average, and what would be ideal?
My res temps stay almost ambient outside the tent...during summer i freeze massive chunks of ice every day. I have never had a root issue.What are your res temps on average, and what would be ideal?
My res temps stay almost ambient outside the tent...during summer i freeze massive chunks of ice every day. I have never had a root issue.
there is no real ideal, as all strains will differ, you have to play with her and find her sweet spot, usually around 21-23 degrees is sweet i hear. I could be wrong, as i've never checked as with my system it's not the be all and end all.....
Here is a shot of my Mentors....This IS the same strain as mine, as they are cuts directly from her made by me. He uses full strength PGR's (not my cup of tea at all) The buds always end up rock solid with little visual appeal. As you can see the 2 plants are all over the place, i have tied a few branches up because i can't stand him being so lazy. Some people. I'm also glad he doesn't know how to use a computer( my mentor )
This is from the Dude who taught me the basics.....honestly, i'm stoked with what i'm doing!!
and here is mine going into Day 9 Flowering below....I care ALOT more. clearly.
Here's Jack X Skunk from last grow...still getting me suuuuper stupidGave some mates some nug and they've been cheering
Very hard to part with , at the same time i want to get EVERYONE STONED ON IT!!! soo smoooooth and beeeeaaaautiful!
Go for it man, have a good read and if you need to know anything else about this setup, feel free to ask i'll post it up for all.I cant wait to give this a try, sounds to me like its 10x easyer to maintain then DWC (tried that and scrapped it) But seeing this makes me want to get back into hydro and give it a shot. Would love to see how my prize GDP Strain responds to this, its never let me down yet.
Coming along just nicely Flowa. Some Rep+ for you and some for your mentor. What size tent and lighting is in there? That is one thick jungle he has created!
He's actually testing some new globes at the moment which i forgot to ask what sort... but he uses the max size adjusta wings with 600 HPS's and his tent is 1.40 x 2.00 x 2.00, it's a bit wider than mine going back, and it fills one side of his bedroom completely. I have no clue how the hell he set it up in there, but Fuuuuuuk that.Coming along just nicely Flowa. Some Rep+ for you and some for your mentor. What size tent and lighting is in there? That is one thick jungle he has created!
yeah, he never touches 1 leaf the whole grow....set in his ways. I hack mine like a saw movie...she returns with me with goldHaha yea he needs to step it up on the pruning..
i was going to go over 4 weeks veg, well i went 1 day over, and she's probably too big! lol so i'm glad i didn't! easy to forget how big they get in flowerShit man this girl is going to be a beastYEAH!!!
Im excited to see her in full flower, now that will be a site to see!
imagine flowa doing a 3 month veg in a 60 gallon pot and a massive tent.... i think records would be broken
the mind boggles
Lol i reckon you would be right! Sounds like an awesome challenge too haha!
My res temps stay almost ambient outside the tent...during summer i freeze massive chunks of ice every day. I have never had a root issue.
there is no real ideal, as all strains will differ, you have to play with her and find her sweet spot, usually around 21-23 degrees is sweet i hear. I could be wrong, as i've never checked as with my system it's not the be all and end all.....
Here is a shot of my Mentors....This IS the same strain as mine, as they are cuts directly from her made by me. He uses full strength PGR's (not my cup of tea at all) The buds always end up rock solid with little visual appeal. As you can see the 2 plants are all over the place, i have tied a few branches up because i can't stand him being so lazy. Some people. I'm also glad he doesn't know how to use a computer( my mentor )
This is from the Dude who taught me the basics.....honestly, i'm stoked with what i'm doing!!
and here is mine going into Day 9 Flowering below....I care ALOT more. clearly.
Here's Jack X Skunk from last grow...still getting me suuuuper stupidGave some mates some nug and they've been cheering
Very hard to part with , at the same time i want to get EVERYONE STONED ON IT!!! soo smoooooth and beeeeaaaautiful!
lolalready been done guys i know of a grow that uses the old wine barrels (massive!) over a 10 x 12 screen i don't have numbers/yields or exact veg weeks, as when the plants get so big they grow alot more quickly than you can imagine! keeping in mind if all growth is kept fed and healthy there will be alot more leaves for making energy! it's like a tree, a tree will grow faster because there is more stored energy, basic horticulture
Some of these growers just don't tell anyone....and why would they? erb was easy to get back then so a secret like that was best kept a secret. Nowadays it's harder to get erb so i try to force these ideas to people so they can get more erb for there hard earned energy. Especially if your laws get strict if you grow more than 1 plant.....Where i am any more than 1 is intent to cultivate and distribute.
I say Go for it! The bigger the plant the better! YOU DO NOT LOSE OUT ON QUALITY!!!!!! THAT IS A BOGUS MYTH. I've smoked bud from indoor trees and let me tell you... some of these guys don't need people to tell them how to growWe all know how easy it is to fuck a plants food or root system. So yeah you take a little risk in growing a bigger plant so if things go wrong its your whole grow. BUT if things go right, like the last 4 and only last grows
i get more of exactly what i need to put the biggest damn smile on my face for months to come
We all know the more bud the better, but that not to say we grow to the roof, i have had mates that think they can keep growing and growing past when i tell them to flower..... they soon work out why i know what i do... These plants grow super fast in this system and I have seen plants coming down from the roof from some grows and even though they thought they were going to get big yields like that, they were sorely disappointed overall.
Training your crop is The Most Vital!!! Important!!! part of growing indoors in my opinion not only for yields but to gain that extra 'quality' and potency.
This is my personal opinion on HID and indoor lighting: Even though i use it!!! Vast majority of new growers think that HID is better than the sun. Yes it is 5 inches from the Bulb!!! BUT they don't give a good penetration depth into the plant like the suns rays so if you have a thick bushy scrog up top more than likely anything below will be less than appealing. This is why i'm trying to learn a way to keep my canopy thick but narrow so the lights penetration is working on all my favoured heads. I may have gone over-board with this grow..... we'll see yet. I'm still learning too! i'm no pro but i don't like wasting all that electricity that goes into lighting that very expensive bulb!!! so why not get every bud as big as you can??? makes so much sense to me it's not even funny.