FlowaMasta'a NEW Jack H x Skunk - 1 Plant 600HPS + UVB Monster Scrog!!!

damn dude how long do you wait between harvests, just right back into it huh? cant wait to see its progress, and mohican those buds are just going to double in size every day, they already look fat!
Cheers Flowa, much appreciate the response :)

think i'll be keeping mine under one of those twin 55w jobs, ive had it for a while and seems to work ok. I was considering getting a little 2ft T5HO light and changing the bulbs to what you mention but dont think i'll worry hey. Hopefully the one ive got gets some cuttings nice and green so i can choose 1 good one!
Flowa's Methodology and Jack H grow. no 3 ;)


Legendary stuff mate! Im so pumped to get my next grow going, being patient really sucks lol

Cheers Easty ;) i thought i had patience..... it turns out, i really don't when it comes to useless drivers and not having something growing under my care!

I tell you one thing...... Those tents........... 1 person job??!! i fukin doubt it. me n my mrs struggled, mind you we couldn't focus that blazed on Jacks minty after freshness :p

Click here for new thread !!
Hahaha yeah even my small tent was difficult for one person :lol: i could imagine doing it blazed!

Ive got no patience for dickheads on the road either, they're bloody everywhere here too!

Sorry mate are we all movin to the new thread now?
Haha i put the tent up by myself flo :) in a tiny room with a ceiling fan so had no room at all to move. Took bout 30-40 mins :)
lol old thread mate ;)
Flowamasta I know this is old but I can't find the part where you say how much yield you got from that one plant on the Scrooge I'm dieting too know and I can't find it anywhere on this thread!

im so interested cause its such a great plant and I'm gettin my gorilla tent with my bubble flow hydro system soon and I'm going to be askin a lot of questions too you very soon . Your a pro!