lol, canny beat it when he lads have a wee bitch fight.....
haha yorky you dont half chat bollox mate......."As far as I know everybody grows indoors under ideal conditions" .......i think we all wish we did lol
"the grow room is the same temp in veg (summer) as it is in flower (winter)."..............some use cfls in veg so lower temps,
"Learn to understand logic,you want to!".........haha what a nob
"As for what you are about to say next concerning outside influences,heat stress really only affects cannabis at about 35c-40c (and only if you have shit humidity). I live in England,when was the last time we had a 35c-40c+ day in England?" honestly think the temps need to hit 35-40c+ to affect temps in your grow if your ventin fresh air in from outside?...........if its cold outside the air you pull in is cool so temps are low, in winter my temps are like down at 23-24 in the room even have to run my extract at a slower speed if it gets too cold, then summer when its above 20 temps are like 27-28c with the fan on full even hit 30 when we had some 27c temps outside, so with poor extraction and what not you could easily be at 30 + in your grow for a few weeks which is gunna fuck ya plants.
The more you go on like you no everthing about growin an talk to people like there thick, the more i think your a cock an know fuck all about growin (google an wiki boy), even when your wrong you try an cover it up with more bollox an its plain to see.
He ment by time of year, fuckin summer, I an i dont no about every 1 else new what he ment, in summer when its hot, your fuckin grow room gets hotter some times to hot an maybe that caused his plants to hermie simple, it was you that started chattin bollox
"don't make me get all scientific on your arse because I can assure you I have more than "half a brain"!" i said cock
1) "i think we all wish we did lol" - And your point is what?
2) "some use cfls in veg so lower temps" - We're talking about MY grow room and MY plants,don't take shit out of context to fit your ad hominem agenda Pukka.
3) "haha what a nob" - How does 'time of year' logically relate to determining plant sex? Again what's your point?
4) "you honestly think the temps need to hit 35-40c+ to affect temps in your grow" - No Pukka, I said to promote HEAT STRESS. learn to read what it says,not what you think it says.
5) "even when your wrong you try an cover it up with more bollox an its plain to see." - Really? Giz a fucking example where I have then cocky cunt!
Thats me at long fuckeeeeeeerrrssss!
Haha there you go again, not me just thinkin you know it all lots of others do too, not even answerin your wanky Qs cos no doubt you'l be right!! lol its all there to read, so every 1 can read an see what they think, you just come across as a cock thats all im sayin your probs not in person but come across as 1 on here, an im not gettin into a bitch fight on the net done it once before an did my nut old sambo gave me some advice lol so now im relaxed so sorry if the cock offended you an ill take the cocky cunt light heartedly just more me tryin to let you no what ever 1s thinkin cos you aint a bad kid really.
i wasnt talkin about your plants an dont think mrt was either.
Thats me at long fuckeeeeeeerrrssss!
You just come across as you do yorky an maybe dura was right an im feelin shitty hungover but i just thought id tell you cos it ruffles a lot of peeps feathers mate mine included and the talkin to peeps like there thick is disrespectful aswell and makes you come across like a cock if i dint think you wernt half bad i wont tell you id just let you be.
Originally Posted by The Yorkshireman![]()
I think I've spotted some premature bollock growth one one of the babies this morning,the one I preferred the look of as well. Wounded!
(Mrt's reply)
could it have something to do with the time of the year? i had 2 full on males and 3 hermies out of a pack of 5 fem seeds
I don't talk to people like they're thick mate but if I know better I'll say so,is that wrong?
Originally Posted by The Yorkshireman![]()
I think I've spotted some premature bollock growth one one of the babies this morning,the one I preferred the look of as well. Wounded!
(Mrt's reply)
could it have something to do with the time of the year? i had 2 full on males and 3 hermies out of a pack of 5 fem seeds
and come across as a cunty know it all.