Another grow room setup!! - Desperate help needed! -Video


New Member
:leaf: OK, so here is the video of the room:leaf:


Original plan is to divide the room and have a veg and flowering area.
I keep coming up with ideas what i think will be better than the previous.
The room is 10x11 not including the propagation area shown.

What can i do with what i got?
I was trying to build an aero system but i think i failed. The pump i have setup now is a 1083 gph pump. The sprayers still have trouble spraying. And IDK what to use for a top to the table...

If the rooms are split 5x11 do they need two 1k lamps?

As you can see I'm in over my head. I could use some advice or ideas.

Pictures of my babies! Their so beautiful!
Look I am so new. But how about ebb and flow . You could do sog. Use the table with water for res. flood and drain. Put a damn in middle supply veg and flowe from it. Put cover over res to keep cleen. If you have a prop room you could grow continuious. Keep mothers in prop room. You could grow full size plants as well. You have a great room and equiptment by the way. Really anything is possible. I do eeb n flow and love it. What do you think?
Looks like your better off just using it as a flood table. 30 sprayers should have a 600gph pump. You have way more then that. But nice setup.
wondering if i need 2 1k lamps PER 5x11 foot area for a total of 4 lamps. Also what can i use for a top to the table?
They say 50 watts per sqare foot and you will have 55 square feet per room 2000 watts covers 40 sqare feet. IMO, that would be very good. You could by flood tables online. Or make one with the kind of plastic you have your water in thats shown in video.That is if you are talking about ebb n flow?
My 2 pennies.

You shouldn't run room air to cool your lights.

You have a limited amount of room to get around plants because the tables are so large.

There are better DIY ways to grow dro'. I've built and used Stink Bud's NFT/Aero. The growth was amazing. Allows you to flower sooner. Large plants are a PITA to get out of it and the overall build can be a pain as well. I can't see it out growing a RDWC or any Ebb and Flow bucket system. Not enough to make it work the trouble IMO.

Always use insulated flex duct. The added durability and heat evacuation make it a fantastic upgrade. I ended up replacing mine after a year wear.
You could use the table with the water in for your tray and buy a 50 gallon or so tote to put underneath and do the same with the frame you have on the otherside. Pump water from totes to tray above. The totes come with lids. Just have to plumb a intake and outtake and you are golden.
Thanks so much for the replies! I will check out "Stick Bud's Aero". And yes with the tables bring so big it is hard to get around the room..

I was looking at these and they seem pretty fancy but expensive
Thanks for the links. Ive tried setups like those but was having leaks all over the place so i just scraped them.
Ive learned so much from this video when i first started Near the end of the video it shows a top feed bucket system like these. think it was called Jay's Bucket system.

Also i couldn't get the reservoir below the buckets because the floor in my room is cement
just cut some of the leg off the tables and put your 3 or 5 gal. pots in the table. Rez will be lower. BAM!
I didn't want to deal with the table. I'm no carpenter and they were cheap to build so i tore them down.

I'm going with a stinkbud build. Already made the cloner and have the materials for the Areo/NFT systems.

I'm still working on my ventilation when i have this queststion:

  • So.. I have a Can-Filter would i just run the duct from that out of the room and have the lights have their own ducting? would the smell travel out the light's ducting?

I thought id share some pictures :)

Is it too early to clone the first plant there?
Can I get an answer about my ducting question in the post before this?
I can't stress enough to keep your plants small. Make sure all your seals are double sealed and leak proof.

I ran this system twice and I'll never do it again.
I can't stress enough to keep your plants small. Make sure all your seals are double sealed and leak proof.

I ran this system twice and I'll never do it again.

That first plant there is my first plant idk what sex is it yet. I found the seed in some shake i had.
Thats why im wondering when can i take a clone off it to see what sex it is...

Why are the roots such a pain to get out? So far i really like this system I no longer have problems with leak and don't have hoses running everywhere.

What happened to your system that made you not want to use it again? What system are you running now?
Well i guess ill ask the questions again:

When can i take clones off this plant? IMAG0074.jpg

Will the smell leak into the light's ducting if i have a set up like this?Untitled (1).png
