true. he did think manhattan was in central america. somewhere in his rant i think he also said that mexico was south of central america. the education system has failed you wee. i would ask for my money back.
now why the fuck would i take american geography at school when i have never been there and never will be.
i will never have an urge to go to a country where so called licenced gun users can blast there way through a school on a bad mood day because they are snivelling about there girlfriends leaving them.
as far as i am concerned america is turning in to a beaurocratic half eaten police state where the rich can take decisions that affect the country for the next 100 years and the poor are the victims of the decision. you do not even have a system where you can get free cash when you have nothing, or free dental treatment, or a free health service.
i live in the uk, we have one of the best education systems in the world, we have the cleanest tap water in the world, we have one of the best free health services in the world, we have an unemployment and disablement system with free dentistry and hospital treatment to look after our poor.
we are running a huge back to work programme for the unemployed as we speak, in fact we are so nice we even jumped in to help the americans win their fantasy war in iraq and afghanistan which has seen over 423 of our young soldiers killed in afghanistan alone to help the yanks win their global power trip, i wonder how much of the american poor peoples aid cash has been injected in to this war since it began.
as far as i am concerned the yanks have spent so much money on this power trip that they are using antique space shuttles and borrowed russian rockets to get in to space because fort knox is almost empty of gold, while half of the american population live in extreme poverty.
i bet some of them even have to borrow food from their neighbours on a daily or weekly basis just to survive.
so you see, i dont give a flying fuck if manhatten is in the middle of eastern fucking america.
i would never visit a place that treats its people with utter contempt to keep the fat cat rich sitting in their big houses.
while they play at toy soldiers and space games.
someone suggested they sleep great in neaw york at night.
if your country keeps spending your money on a false economy of war and fantasy in the very near future one of these antique bombs might go off in your back yard because it is so old it is an antique, and old bombs can become unstable.
i mean......if you dont have any cash to replace them then i dont think your beaurocratic fat cats would worry if one went off and took out a feww million poor people.