Well-Known Member
so newbie here, i have blown through an entire case of vector (12 cans bout $60 for the case where i live) i run each can 3x threw a stainless steel turkey baster with about 14-16 grams of TRIM from last year's outdoor crop (not the best but i have endless amounts and nothing to do with it) i was just wondering if i could post my method and get some pointers, when i get my wife's lazy to help ill make a video for finer critiques.
So, I: pack my tube with trim (after a round in the food processor)
apply 2 layers of coffee filters, secure with hose clamp
run 20s of vector through tube into waiting pyrex dish. run additional 5s of tane if it wasn't clear yet after 20s
let sit until i return with hottest water my tap can produce (when i do multiple cans i usually let a pot of water sit on the stove at low or 1)
pour water into dish around pyrex, watch pretty bubbles XD
about 2-3 mins after bubbles stop popping i take the pyrex dish to the oven that is on warm or 200f (lowest my oven goes) depending on how warm the day is
after about 5 mins in the oven (with door OPEN) i remove dish to cool on the stove until i can touch it with bare hands
scrap all gooey goodness off with razor blade and onto waiting parchment paper
i have yet to invest in a vacuum chamber, i see some ppl use them some ppl dont. i always test my oil after each run by holding a lighter over the product and watching for sparks (i do this well away from my extraction area) im still skeptical about the butane content. im also very tired of doing 3 runs a can, id rather enlarge my extraction vessel and run only once or twice per can. Any suggestions?
overall i would like to increase my yield PER run, either by increasing efficiency, enlarging extraction vessel, or anything at all.
Also my end product is black as night and looks like motor oil, is there anything wrong with it? my collective does not seem to think so but i still have my suspicions.
Here's some pics of my raw materiel, processed materiel, tools, and end product (about 13g after burning through 13 cans of vector....seems like im doing something wrong)
View attachment 2290339View attachment 2290340View attachment 2290342View attachment 2290344
anyone who has tubes for sale im looking for something i can use 1/2-1 whole can of tane in, pref stainless steel
any and all help is greatly appreciated!
ps i am EXTREMELY clean with my equipment, i clean the tube and pyrex dishes with 91% alcohol after each run...is this necessary? not OCD or anything i just respect the power of chemistry, i dont wanna fuck anything (specially me) up, but if this is unnecessary then id like to remove it from my routine
step 1; get coffee grinder, reduce material to powder
step 2; pack the tube with a packing rod (not "solid")