Amber Co2 oil!

ok, so I have my amber oil that I extracted using only Co2, pressure, heat, and etho-alcohol.. now, how do I take this fine oil and turn it into wax or whatever the hell these kids wanna smoke? It took me this long just to learn to extract the oil.. now what to do with it.. help
From what I've seen you just heat it up a bit and stir to bubble out all the impurities. Ends up amber and sort of clear. Heard co2 makes a pretty pure oil anyways tho.
yea the oil has pretty flawless appearance.. no impurity just clear pretty oil.. but how do I turn that into wax or amber glass?
yea the oil has pretty flawless appearance.. no impurity just clear pretty oil.. but how do I turn that into wax or amber glass?

You heat it on low and stir it up with a bent paper clip or something until it clumps together. Like I posted before. It can get confusing looking this stuff up though so I understand. People have different names and labels for similar types of hash. Like I believe "full melt" is wax if that helps you do your own research. Allthough I've debated the fact with one of my friends from cali many times.
Your the biggest lame and I'm comming to shut your business down f-in clown. Targeting kids, shadey mutha, see you soon. CO2XTRACTR.
I don't like droopy oils. I like shardy extracts, which you can see as my avatar and on my profile pic.

To get shards, I blast onto a full on sliding glass mirror, and allow 24 hours of air drying. I get a dry crust that I'm able to scrape into a pile which I can gently heat with a heat gun. Flipping it and slowly melting it untill I have a solid puck like in my avatar. Solid at temps much warmer than room temp. No need to purge, butane evapts at 80 so it's gone when i heat.
I don't like droopy oils. I like shardy extracts, which you can see as my avatar and on my profile pic.

To get shards, I blast onto a full on sliding glass mirror, and allow 24 hours of air drying. I get a dry crust that I'm able to scrape into a pile which I can gently heat with a heat gun. Flipping it and slowly melting it untill I have a solid puck like in my avatar. Solid at temps much warmer than room temp. No need to purge, butane evapts at 80 so it's gone when i heat.

c'mon son butane has a much lower bp than 80