TGA Kaboom: My little grow


Well-Known Member
So after lurking on this forum for a while, I finally decided to pick up some TGA gear. After looking into it a bit I decided to go with Kaboom just purely out of preference to sativa.

I popped 4 seeds and got all 4 in under 36 hours. I did have one anomaly with one seed, I ended up getting a double sprout.

Here are the 4 at ~2 weeks after sprout

After reading up on nugbuckets AoS grow and showing the way to mainline I decided to try that. Here they are @ 3 weeks from sprout topped and set up for four.

I decided to leave one not mainlined just because I thought it looked so pretty the way that it was, I didn't want to mess with it. they were vegged for couple more weeks and then transplanted into 7 gallon fabric pots and topped for 8 as described in the mainlining thread.
roughly 4 weeks into veg

so the non mainlined plant in the background of that shot is about 15 inches tall. I have height constraints to work with and I needed to know how much this strain is going to stretch. the TGAgenetics website says to expect about a 3x stretch off of this plant, and being that it is mostly sativa I figured I would throw it into flower sooner than the others, and sooner than I would normally flower so that I can gauge the stretch that will occur with the other plants. And that brings us today the beginning of week six of veg for the mainlined plants and day 4 of flower for the non mainlined plant.

First the "test" flowerer she's at roughly 3 days into flowering already throwing a couple pistils and gained 4 inches of height in her 3 days in the flowering tent.

She now stands at 19 inches, I'm hoping that she gets to at least 45" not sure if she will really stretch her 3x but that's why she's in there now, so I can guestimate what the others will do.

and that brings me to my three mainlined plants still vegging now at the beginning of week 6 and about 1.5 weeks from being topped and trained for 8 tops. They stand 10 inches tall and are just awesome. My kaboom #3(the front right) is without a doubt the most uniform grower. the other two are just not quite as symmetrical, but this is my first time with this technique and I hope to do better with it next time.

So, there they are. Hopefully I don't fuck shit up from this point on, because I love the look of these plants and I hope to find a worthwhile plant in one of these 4.


Well-Known Member
wow, i will be along for the ride...everything is lookin killer grow is similiar to yours but i am about 2-3 weeks behind you! i cant wait to see how everything goes.


Well-Known Member
So 8 days later and things are really starting to progress. 7.5 weeks into veg on my kabooms 1,3,4, they are 17 inches tall. they are really starting to grow fast, I plan on flowering them either Wednesday or Thursday of this week right as soon as they hit the 8 week mark.

and my little test flowerer plant. 12 days into flower and standing at 25 inches, so ten inches in 12 days. not too bad on stretch she doesn't really look to be slowing down yet either so we'll see where she finally ends up. She already has a distinctive smell that is overpowering a different almost finished plant. very hard to describe the smell on her.

Definitely one of the prettiest plants i've grown. She seems to be loving the supersoil, but what plant wouldn't?


Well-Known Member
Watching close bro, I've got a 10 pack of Kaboom in the vault, now that I think of it how can Jacks Cleaner x Vortex not be some ridiculous dank!!

Good luck can't wait to watch these progress..


Well-Known Member
One thing I will have to get down is the mainlining technique...I thought I was doing it better than I was, but some of my stems are "twisted" so that not all of the tops are at the same height. They are very close to the same length, but because one branch is at a 90 degree angle to the other it's growing almost inline with the soil line. I don't know if nugbuckets is still paying attention, but i'll have to bring this up with him and how he gets all of his tops to be perfectly inline...if he twists and turns his shoots when he's binding them down. I think that was my error.


Well-Known Member
One thing I will have to get down is the mainlining technique...I thought I was doing it better than I was, but some of my stems are "twisted" so that not all of the tops are at the same height. They are very close to the same length, but because one branch is at a 90 degree angle to the other it's growing almost inline with the soil line. I don't know if nugbuckets is still paying attention, but i'll have to bring this up with him and how he gets all of his tops to be perfectly inline...if he twists and turns his shoots when he's binding them down. I think that was my error.
Thats where the pinching comes in handy, The branches that are taller I just grab and pinch, some times bend over as far as I can till they look all sad and wimpy, It will stunt the growth for those taller nodes, while the other ones can catch up.


Well-Known Member
Thats where the pinching comes in handy, The branches that are taller I just grab and pinch, some times bend over as far as I can till they look all sad and wimpy, It will stunt the growth for those taller nodes, while the other ones can catch up.

What do you mean by "pinching" ? not like FIMMing right? and yes, I was going to tie them down and hopefully achieve some symmetry.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by "pinching" ? not like FIMMing right? and yes, I was going to tie them down and hopefully achieve some symmetry.
The branches that are growing taller, place ur thumb and index finger around the stem about 3-6 inches below the top of the branch, and pinch the stem until u hear or feel a pop. The top part of that branch will start to look a little droopy if u want u can also bend it down a bit so It has to fight to come back up. That will slow down the growth of those nodes that are getting taller than the rest and will allow the others to catch up.


Well-Known Member
sweet deal, i'll have to try it out. I like to experiment with my plants and i love the looks of a completely symmetrical plant.


Well-Known Member
so just a quick little update with all the girls in the tent. #2 the one that was flowered early to gauge stretch is 3 weeks into flower now and is standing at 32 inches or so. The rest of the girls were placed into the tent 3 days ago at ~20 inches we'll see how things progress from here.

and a quick little shot of kaboom buddage I can't wait to see this thing with full on swollen buds.

Being such a heavy sativa dominant hybrid I really hope that the harvest window really is in that 60-70 day range.


Well-Known Member
So little update: things are really moving a long and the tent is filling out nicely.

The big plant in back is on day 30 of flowering. Yes she started to fade a little early and I didn't catch it in time. She was top dressed and given some tea and i've been feeding her tea on a weekly basis.

I wasn't really expecting such an early fade as I already had 60% SS/Roots going so I didn't really expect it to happen within 3 weeks of flowering. Since she is further along than the other three I went ahead and top dressed the other three to make sure that they didn't start to fade to early, and I've also been feeding them tea on a weekly basis just to keep things healthy looking.

Just to point out how heavy feeding these girls are, I have a clone in 100% SS and she is digging it. No burning nice green growth.

Hopefully the big girl doesn't finish off too early as she still has another ~40 days to go.

A little shot of her crystally goodness.



sorry about the sideways pic on this one.

So, that's it for now. can't wait for them to start to swell...So far I am very happy with the way they have turned out. i know the canopy isn't as even as I could have got it, #3 is nice and even hopefully I can get my next go through to be just as even as her with all of my plants.


Active Member
Awesome thread , like many my heart can't choose between many of tga gears but kaboom is high on my list, could i ask you the size of your tent it would be a good indicator, i plan on trying to follow the same technique (mainlining & smart pot) but i couldnt find the dimension of your tent...



Well-Known Member
Awesome thread , like many my heart can't choose between many of tga gears but kaboom is high on my list, could i ask you the size of your tent it would be a good indicator, i plan on trying to follow the same technique (mainlining & smart pot) but i couldnt find the dimension of your tent...


It's a 4x4x7' tent with a 1000w Hortilux in 7 gallon fabric pots.


Active Member
I might stick with the 5 gallon pots as i only have a 3.5x3.5x7...

Thanks a lot you're girls are looking great man!


Well-Known Member
I might stick with the 5 gallon pots as i only have a 3.5x3.5x7...

Thanks a lot you're girls are looking great man!

I will say that even with the 7 gallon pots that is still a bit of room in the tent. If I had properly controlled the canopy i think i could have got another 2 plants in there.